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International Web Conference on Mathematical Biology’’ is scheduled for December 14-15, 2023. There is a greater role of chemistry than physics in the biological phenomena that take place inside living organisms. The genes, proteins, molecules moving in and out of cell organelles, the cells, and the extracellular matrices make up the chemistry of the biological system. There is also some physics involved in the biological system that links phenotype to genotype. There is inevitable involvement of the Mathematics in Biochemistry and Biophysics. Often the mechanisms behind biological phenomena can be explained by mathematical models alone. Often one needs mathematical tools to better design the laboratory experiments to study biological system. Mathematics also helps to automate the diagnostic tools of diseases. The geneses of more and more diseases are being better understood by mathematical tools/models. We welcome academicians and researchers of all types and from all disciplines to make contributions to this first international webinar on Mathematical Biology in any one or some of the proposed 16 tracks/scientific sessions.

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