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The "5th International Conference on Microfluidics" welcomes the global audience to participate in the conference which is to be held during June 20-21, 2025 in Frankfurt, Germany. The main theme of the conference is “Current trends and future directions in the field of Microfluidics”. Microfluidics Workshops continue being energizing and quickly creating a region in the life sciences with a persistently extending scope of utilizations.
This conference will bring together engineers, scientists, and practitioners to showcase the newest developments and discuss future directions in microfluidic technologies and their applications in complex systems, broadly defined. The topics will be wide-ranging, including chemical synthesis, separations, advanced manufacturing approaches, energy and the environment, multiphase and colloidal systems, systems biology, synthetic biology, biophysics, organs-on-a-chip, and precision medicine. The scientific program includes keynote & plenary talks, video presentations, poster presentations, and e-posters. Furthermore, oral communications of Postdoctoral junior scientists will be considered. Is the goal of the organizers to make this meeting an event of scientific excellence, attractive to both industrial and academic scientists in microfluidics and fluid mechanics.
Track 1: Microfluidics Research and Advances
Microfluidics relates to the framework and investigation of gadgets which move or break down a little measure of liquid, littler than a bead. Microfluidic gatherings manage the development research and its gadgets have smaller-scale channels running from submicron to a couple of millimetres. To think about, human hair is around 100 microns thick. Microfluidics has been exceptionally used as a piece of the natural sciences, controlled examinations can be driven at cut down expense and faster pace. Lab-on-a-Chip gadgets use microfluidics for applications, for instance, Point-of-Care testing of contaminations, or Organ-on-a-Chip consideration.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Related: Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Conference 2022 | Engineering and nanotechnology Conferences | International Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Expo | Drug Delivery and Formulations Conferences | Microfluidics Symposium | Global Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Summit 2022 | Best Microfluidics Conferences 2022 | Singapore Conferences | World Conference on Microfluidics
Track 2: Nanofluidic Research
Nano-fluidics advancements are ascending as extraordinary engaging gadgets for finding and checking overpowering maladies in both created and creating nations. Microfluidics and Nanofluidic research and downsized Nano-fluidics and Micro-fluidic stages that unquestionably control minimal fluid volumes can be used to engage helpful findings in an all the more quick and exact way. In particular, Nanofluidic and Microfluidics workshops manage expository advances that are possibly pertinent to overall prosperity applications since they are superfluous, modest, helpful, and easy to use for disclosure of overwhelming diseases. In this paper, we review late advances in Nano and microfluidic meetings and their developments for a clinical reason for mind applications in resource confined settings in making countries.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Related: Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Conference 2022 | Engineering and nanotechnology Conferences | International Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Expo | Drug Delivery and Formulations Conferences | Microfluidics Symposium | Global Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Summit 2022 | Best Microfluidics Conferences 2022 | Singapore Conferences | World Conference on Microfluidics
Track 3: Microfluidic Chip
Microfluidic chips are ordinarily made by making thin sections or little wells on the surface of a layer, and after that encasing those features by techniques for a minute layer to shape smaller-scale channels or chambers. Microfluidic Chip centres around diverts ought to be fixed in the manner layers must be appropriately fortified. Dependent upon material choice, the channels are made through fragile lithography, hot decorating, mixture forming, little scale machining, or cutting. 3D printing may be used for conveying microfluidic chips, regardless of the way that it has authentic obstructions to the extent least component gauge, surface obnoxiousness, optical straightforwardness, or choice of material.
Related Societies and Associations: GASCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Related: Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Conference 2022 | Engineering and nanotechnology Conferences | International Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Expo | Drug Delivery and Formulations Conferences | Microfluidics Symposium | Global Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Summit 2022 | Best Microfluidics Conferences 2022 | Singapore Conferences | World Conference on Microfluidics
Track 4: Microfluidics in Drug Delivery and Formulations
The science and planning of fluid streams on a miniaturized scale can be the reaction to an increasingly fruitful and concentrated sedate association. Drug store workshops identified with medication conveyance manage the investigation of how the medication is discharged into the body. Without a doubt, one of microfluidics' essential applications, the indicated lab-on-a-chip (LOC) can give a phase to both prescription blend and transport. These two perspectives are fundamental and altogether related to a conventional release into the living being. In addition, the use of microfluidic gadgets for the calm association has various focal points, for instance, the diminishing of both torment and risk of responses. Finally, contiguous the recently referenced inclinations, microfluidics secures help overhauls cost, convenience, prosperity, and transportability.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Related: Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Conference 2022 | Engineering and nanotechnology Conferences | International Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Expo | Drug Delivery and Formulations Conferences | Microfluidics Symposium | Global Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Summit 2022 | Best Microfluidics Conferences 2022 | Singapore Conferences | World Conference on Microfluidics
Track 5: Microfluidics in Nano-medicine
Nanomedicine is the medicinal utilization of nanotechnology for the treatment and counteractive action of real illnesses, including malignant growth and cardiovascular sicknesses. Therapeutic workshops related to microfluidic nanomedicines are numerous such materials neglect to achieve clinical preliminaries because of basic difficulties that include poor reproducibility in huge volume creation that has prompted the disappointment in creature considers and clinical preliminaries. Ongoing examination utilizing microfluidic innovation has furnished rising stages with high potential to quicken the clinical interpretation of nanomedicine.
Related Societies and Associations: GASCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics. Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Related: Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Conference 2022 | Engineering and nanotechnology Conferences | International Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Expo | Drug Delivery and Formulations Conferences | Microfluidics Symposium | Global Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Summit 2022 | Best Microfluidics Conferences 2022 | Singapore Conferences | World Conference on Microfluidics
Track 6: Nano-Materials and Nano-Technology
Nanomaterials advantage from microfluidics regarding union and re-enactment of situations for nanomotors and nanorobots. Microfluidics courses in social to materials and innovation make straightforward nanoparticles. As we would see it, the "marriage" of nanomaterials and microfluidics is very valuable and is required to comprehend crucial difficulties in related fields
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Related: Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Conference 2022 | Engineering and nanotechnology Conferences | International Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Expo | Drug Delivery and Formulations Conferences | Microfluidics Symposium | Global Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Summit 2022 | Best Microfluidics Conferences 2022 | Singapore Conferences | World Conference on Microfluidics
Track 7: Microfluidics in Pharmacy
Changing your IVD test or pharmaceutical gadget into a totally planned microfluidic item is our movement. Pharmacy workshops identified with medications conveyance manages microfluidics ponder, one of our key characteristics is the ability to give novel planning arrangements where customary assembling procedures are never again substantial. The troubles that we reliably address include the thought of littler scale estimated features; and moreover the diagram and collecting of a couple of sorts of scaled downscale structure headways (Silicon, SU-8 and steel), the blend of scaled downscale and full-scale features, blends of procedure steps, testing social affair steps, stringent QC requirements and packaging of the last thing.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Related: Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Conference 2022 | Engineering and nanotechnology Conferences | International Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Expo | Drug Delivery and Formulations Conferences | Microfluidics Symposium | Global Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Summit 2022 | Best Microfluidics Conferences 2022 | Singapore Conferences | World Conference on Microfluidics
Track 8: Microfluidic Biotechnology
Microfluidics enables biotechnological strategies to proceed on a scale (microns) at which physical systems, for instance, osmotic advancement, electrophoretic-motility and surface associations wind up perceptibly redesigned. At the small-scale test volumes and measures, times are diminished, and procedural costs are cut down. The adaptability of microfluidic gadgets grants interfacing with current systems and advancements. Microfluidics has been associated with DNA examination methods and seemed to animate DNA microarray test hybridization times. The associating of microfluidics to protein examination advances, for example, mass spectrometry, enables Pico mole proportions of a peptide to be bankrupt down inside a controlled little scale condition. The flexibility of microfluidics occasions will empower its abuse in test improvement over various biotechnological disciplines.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Related: Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Conference 2022 | Engineering and nanotechnology Conferences | International Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Expo | Drug Delivery and Formulations Conferences | Microfluidics Symposium | Global Microfluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Summit 2022 | Best Microfluidics Conferences 2022 | Singapore Conferences | World Conference on Microfluidics
Track 9: Bio-MEMS/NEMS and Chips
Micro-scale/Nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) should be proposed to perform anticipated limits to sum things up ranges, normally in the millisecond to picosecond broaden. Most mechanical properties are known to be scale subordinate, thusly, the properties of Nanoscale structures ought to be assessed. Bionics is the utilization of natural techniques and frameworks found in nature for the examination and plan of planning frameworks and present-day development. Bionics suggests the substitution or overhaul of organs or other body parts by mechanical interpretations. Bionic additions differentiate from minor prostheses by replicating the primary limit eagerly, or despite outflanking it. Biomechanical self-sufficiency is the usage of common characteristics in living structures as the learning base for developing new robot diagrams. The term can moreover insinuate the use of common models as down to earth robot portions. Biomechanical innovation joins the fields of software engineering, bionics, science, physiology, and innate structure.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Track 10: Lab-On-A-Chip Technology
Lab-on-a-chip refers to progress which permits tasks which normally require a lab - association, and examination of synthetics - on an astoundingly downsized scale, inside an adaptable or handheld device. There are numerous favourable circumstances to taking a shot at this scale. Examination of tests can happen in situ, definitely where the examples are made, instead of being transported around to a broad research focus office. The qualifications in fluid components on a little scale infer that it is less requesting to control the advancement and relationship of tests, making reactions extensively progressively powerful, and diminishing substance waste. The essential test to headway of lab-on-a-chip gadgets is the diagram and making of devices on a little scale which is down to earth and monetarily astute. Starting late, advances in materials, and in small scale and nanofabrication methods, have allowed different lab-on-a-chip sort gadgets to be collected and attempted.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Track 11: Microfluidics Organs on chips
Microfluidics Organ-on-Chip represents a modern strategy to create 3D cell cultures and tissues with a particular and non-stop control of culturing parameters. It is viable to mimic tissue organization, cell-cell interactions, extracellular matrix influence and physiological responses in a greater in vivo-like environment. The inlets and retailers with integrated Luer connections make certain leak-free junctions with the tubing and allow experiments under dynamic drift conditions.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Track 12: Digital Microfluidics
Digital microfluidics is a choice technological know-how for microfluidic systems based totally on the design, composition and manipulation of discrete droplets or bubbles. Digital microfluidics is a technological understanding which derives from microfluidics the usage of the standards of emulsion science. The intention of this science is to create fluid-fluid dispersion into channels. It approves the manufacturing of monodisperse drops or drops with a very low polydispersity: plenty much less than 3%.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Track 13: Microfabrication
Microfabrication of microfluidic gadgets in inflexible substrates makes use of well-established methods of the semiconductor industry such as lithography, subtractive or additive techniques, to reap few to lots of micrometre units on the pinnacle or within the substrate. Microfabrication techniques can be used sole or mixed to obtain easy or intricate devices.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Track 14: Polymers for Microfluidics
Using polymer substances to fabricate microfluidic units presents simple, value-effective, and disposal benefits for both lab-on-a-chip devices and micro complete evaluation systems. Polydimethylsiloxane elastomer and thermoplastics are the two major polymer substances used in microfluidics. The fabrication of PDMS and the thermoplastic microfluidic systems can be categorized as front-end polymer microchannel fabrication and post-end microfluidic bonding procedures. In the polymer microfabrication process, the first step is to discover its software and requirements. Once the microfluidic chip software is identified, the microchannel/chamber layouts can be designed. Next, one selects a gorgeous polymer material and determines the fabrication approach to create a polymer microfluidic device that will meet the specific microfluidic software requirements.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.
Track 15: Insights and Advancements in Microfluidics
We centre of attention on both insights and developments in microfluidics. Microfluidics has developed unexpectedly over the past three decades. Relentless diagnostic, medical and chemical functions have been established in a number of applications, platforms and tools.
Related Societies and Associations: GISCON Geoinformatik GmbH, The Computer Graphics Society, British Computer Society, Swiss Physical Society, Federation of European Simulation Societies, German Simulation Society, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Society of Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, The Materials Research Society, The Materials Research Society of India, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Chinese Physical Society, Indian Physical Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nepal Physical Society, Physics Society of Iran, The Chinese
Microfluidics Market Share Insights
By 2026, the global microfluidics market is expected to reach USD 58.8 billion, with a CAGR of 23.2 per cent over the forecast period. Microfluidic technologies provide for faster analysis, less reagent use, and more accurate test results, all of which assist to lower the overall cost of drug development. In addition to these factors, the growing demand and adoption of point-of-care diagnostic devices, such as glucose monitoring and pregnancy test kits, is driving up the demand for microfluidics technology.
Some key industry patrons are Illumina, Inc., Agilent Technologies, Caliper Life Sciences (procured by PerkinElmer, Inc.), Cepheid, Danaher Corporation, and Life Technologies Corporation (gained by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.). Organizations are acquainting new items with fortifying their market position. For example, in February 2015, Illumina, Inc. Propelled neoprene, a programmed DNA and RNA test readiness stage. Through the neoprene microfluidics cartridge, 16 tests are set up at once. Advancement and research and improvement by the market players in the microfluidics section are relied upon to move the market development in the coming years.
Universities Associated with Microfluidics and Fluid Mechanics:
University of Lincoln | Universitat Rovira I Virgili - URV | Aberdeen University | Grenoble Institute of Technology | UCL (University College London) | Cranfield University | University of Exeter Engineering | University of Strathclyde | University of Cambridge | University of East London| University of Hertfordshire | Institut National Polytechnique De Toulouse | University of Leeds | University of Liverpool | Swansea University | University of Manchester | Imperial College London | Cranfield University
University of Tokyo | National University of Singapore | Tsinghua University | KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | Korea University | IISC Bangalore | Zhejiang University | Manipal Academy of Higher Education Dubai | University of Bolton - Ras Al Khaimah ACADEMIC CENTRE | Manipal International University | Amity University: Dubai | Beijing Institute of Technology | Ted University | Lakshveer Overseas Solution | Rafik Hariri University | Rafik Hariri University | Emirates Aviation University | South Ural State University | Liaoning University Of Technology | Universiti Kuala Lumpur | Vietnamese-German University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | University of Minnesota | University of Michigan | Stanford University | Iowa State University | University of Maryland |University of New Hampshire | University of Colorado Boulder | University of Utah | Florida State University | Brown University | Owens Community College | Virginia Military Institute | Ohio State University | University of Wisconsin Madison | Penn State University | University of California | University of Texas | University of Wisconsin | University of Connecticut | University of Southern California Los Angeles
Companies Associated with Microfluidics and Fluid Mechanics:
Richell Corporation | Glory Shine Technologies Ltd | Optofluidics Inc. | Nanosurf Ag | Alpha Instrument Sdn Bhd | Diba Industries Inc. | Optiqua/Optisense B.V. | Metito | Ecm Eco Monitoring. | Achira Labs | Danaher Corporation | Agilent Technologies, Inc | Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Bmt Group | Holtec Asia | Adva Lincedquid Logic.
Sophilco Ltd | Microliquid Spain | Micrux Technologies | Bartels Mikrotechnik Gmbh | Formulation | Dantec Dynamics | Fluigent | Royal Biotech | Kamstrup A/S | Schott AG | Mckinley Scientific | Shelron Enterprises | Malvern Instruments Ltd. | Akribis Scientific Ltd | LOT-Quantumdesign | Thinxxs Microtechnology AG | Kinesis Inc | Akribis Scientific Ltd | KR Analytical Ltd.
Microfluidics Corp | Micronit | F. Hoffmann La-Roche Ltd | RainDance Technologies, Inc | Abaxis | Abbott Point of Care | ACEA Bioscience | Advalytix (Beckman Coulter) | Advanced Microlabs | Advion | Affymetrix | Agilent | Aixtek | Akonni Biosystems | Albright Technologies | Aline Inc | Aquula | Arcxis Biotechnologies | ArrayJet
Association and Societies Associated With Microfluidics And Fluid Mechanics :
Institution of Engineers India | Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh | Indian Society For Technical Education | International Association Of Engineers | Pakistan Engineering Council | Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka | Saudi Council of Engineers | Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka | Society of Naval Architects And Marine Engineers | Japanese Union of Scientists And Engineers | Hong Kong Institution of Engineers | Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering | Indian Science Congress Association | Indian Society For Technical Education | Indian Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
Russian Union of Engineers | Ordem Dos Engenheiros | Royal Academy of Engineering | Association For Project Management | Society of Engineers | Institution of Engineers And Shipbuilders In Scotland | British Nuclear Energy Society | Women's Engineering Society | Society of Professional Engineers | Institution of Mechanical Engineers | Technical Chamber of Greece | Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers | Institute of Healthcare Engineering | Institute of Physics
Alpha Pi Mu | Alpha Omega Epsilon | American Association of Engineering Societies | American Indian Science And Engineering Society | American Institute of Chemical Engineers | American Nuclear Society | American Society For Engineering Education | American Society of Agricultural And Biological Engineers | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | American Society of Naval Engineers | Biomedical Engineering Society | Institute of Biological Engineering | The Institute of Industrial And Systems Engineers | National Society of Black Engineers | Society of Fire Protection Engineers | Society of Naval Architects And Marine Engineers | Society of Petroleum Engineers | Pi Tau Sigma
Track 1
Microfluidics Research and Advances
Track 2
Nanofluidics Research
Track 3
Microfluidic Chip
Track 4
Microfluidics in Drug Delivery and Formulations
Track 5
Microfluids in Nano-medicine
Track 6
Nano-Materials and Nano-Technology
Track 7
Microfluidics in Pharmacy
Track 8
Microfluidic Biotechnology
Track 9
Bio-MEMS/NEMS and Chips
Track 10
Lab-On-A-Chip Technology
Track 11
Microfluidics Organs on chips
Track 12
Digital Microfluidics
Track 13
Track 14
Polymers for Microfluidics
Track 15
Insights and Advancements in Microfluidics