Conference Schedule
Day 1 full schedule
August 09, 2021 @ -

A. Sabina Parveen
Former Assistant professorIndia
According to Stephen Hawkins’ eternal inflation theory, the entire Universe developed from eternal inflation. In our theory, the entire Universe is formed from the radioactive decay process. Initially, the unimaginable high energy waves hit on the empty space. At that moment, the unstable atoms were generated. Those unstable atoms were becoming stable atoms through the radioactive decay process. Initially the seven sky beds were created from alpha decay of radioactive process and the seven earth matters were created from beta decay of radioactive process, and gamma rays were emitted immediately afterwards. And other elements were created in the Universe after the formation of seven parallel sky beds and seven parallel earth matter. In this radioactive decay process, each sky element had distinct properties and each seven earth also had distinct properties. Each parent sky element is changed into daughter sky elements in a particular time period. There are no similarities existing between the parent sky elements and daughter sky elements. Seven skies were created as parallel beds such as the seventh, sixth, fifth, fourth, third, second and the first. The seven earths were also created in a parallel manner. So, the entire Universe elements were created from the above-mentioned Radioactive decay process. These seven-layers of the universe are placed in an orderly manner, one by one just as the coins are arranged one by one. The universe expanded from top to bottom or vertical direction.

Saba Majeed Gondal
Assistant ProfessorPakistan
In magnetized electron-depleted multi-ion dusty plasmas, a possibility of self-organization is determined. Making use of the equation of motion of the plasma’s mobile species, i.e., a positive ion and two types of negative ions with Ampere’s law, we obtain a quadruple Beltrami field. This higher order Beltrami field is characterized by four scale parameters. We have investigated the generation of self-organized structures. The typical length of these structures is attributed to the skin depth λp of positive ions. The influence of Beltrami parameters and scale parameters on the structure formation has also been investigated. It is found that there is a possibility of the formation of large scale structures of the order of system size and the formation of small scale structures of the order of skin depth simultaneously in the electron depleted multi-ion dusty plasmas, which are very useful to explain the dynamo theory. This study should be useful to describe the relaxed structures in space plasmas such as the D-region of Earth’s mesosphere and F-ring of Saturn and in laboratory work where the dust particles are present as impurities
New presentation of gravitational waves of the planets nearest to earth and experimental possibilities of their measurement.

Valentyn Nastasenko
The greatest opportunities for studying the laws of gravity are associated with the solar system, where the masses of space objects and the laws of their motion are well known. However, the determination of their gravitational fields on the basis of traditional theories of gravity leads to abstract equations that do not give concrete results. A number of initial scientific propositions based on abstract mathematical dependencies have controversial meanings. Elimination of this disadvantage is the main goal of the work performed. Its main difference and scientific novelty is the substantiation of the spatial wave system of the gravitational interaction of fields on the example of the Sun, Venus and Earth, as well as the possibility of testing this system during experimental measurements.
The results of the study consist in the analysis of secondary waves on the based structural diagram of the superposition of primary gravitational waves between two objects such as the Sun and the Venus, which made it possible to reveal the trail of the shock wave cone behind orbit of the Venus motion. In this cone case can intersect the orbit of the Earth's motion in 2 places: at the entrance to the cone and at the exit from it. It is possible to register a burst of gravitational waves from this cone using the LIGO, VIRGO, KAGRA observatories. To carry out the experiment, it is necessary to perform calculations of the cone of the shock wave of Venus when it moves around the Sun and the position of the points of entry of the Earth into and out of this cone. The solution to this problem is possible in modern conditions with joint work of physicists and astronomers.
Analysis of wave dynamics in complex magnetized dust molecular clouds in extreme fugacity conditions

Pralay Kumar Karmakar
Assistant ProfessorIndia
This presented contribution describes the atypical evolutionary dynamics of the Dust-Acoustic Wave (DAW) and the Dust-Coulomb Wave (DCW) in self-gravitating magnetized viscoelastic spherical dusty astroclouds. It is analysed on the astrophysical fluid scales of space and time relevant for initializing bounded structure formation via the gravitoelectrostatic coupling mechanism. It consists of the inertial dust grains with variable charge alongside the non-thermal electrons and ions in a generalized correlative hydrodynamic charter. A restricted spherical wave analysis over the perturbed cloud yields a unique generalized quadratic dispersion relation with plasma-dependent multi-parametric coefficients. The triggered fluctuations are free from the viscoelasticity effects in the weakly coupled limit (WCL) against the strongly coupled limit (SCL). The electron population density, dust charge, and magnetic field act as stabilizing and accelerating agencies to the fluctuations. The ion population density and non-thermality parameter show destabilizing and decelerating effects. The cloud size shows a unique stabilizing feature in the ultra-low frequency domain. It is seen that both the DAW and DCW are dispersive in the short-wavelength (acoustic) regime and non-dispersive in the long-wavelength (gravitational) regime. The distinctive WCL-SCL scenarios investigated here are explicitly compared, pictorially explained, and illustratively discussed. The semi-analytic findings and results show correlative consistencies in light of the real astronomic circumstances towards triggering the formation mechanism of astrostructure creation and progressive evolution in galaxies.

Zoha Tariq
Research AssistantPakistan
The center of attention of this talk is to examine the dynamics of conformally flat anisotropic spheres in the background of electromagnetic field satisfying the polytropic equations of state. We have resorted to the general framework developed in Herrera and Barreto (2013) that helps to inspect the rudimentary attributes of polytropic spheres in the framework of a particular f(R) gravity. We explored physical constraints for couple of families of relativistic polytropes in this scenario. By making use of conformally flat condition, the stability of such polytropes is then checked analytically via the Tolman-mass. We conclude that electromagnetic field produces the same role as that of anisotropic pressure and the configurations made are quite compact
Study of the thermodynamics of a phenomenological dark energy model in f(T) modified gravity framework with corrected entropies

Surajit Chattopadhyay
Associate ProfessorIndia
We will demonstrate the cosmology of the variable generalized Chaplygin gas (VGCG) in an interacting scenario. The components under consideration are pressureless dark matter (DM) and VGCG. The interaction term Q is taken as Q=3HδρΛ, where ρΛ denotes the dark energy density. Detailed cosmology of the interacting VGCG is available in the literature, and we have observed a quintom behaviour based on the reconstructed equation of state parameter. We ha observed that the statefinder trajectory attains the ΛCDM fixed point under the interacting VGCG. In the next phase, we report a reconstruction scheme for f(T ) gravity based on the interacting VGCG with a power-law form of the scale factor. The equation of state parameter for the reconstructed f(T) has shown behaviour like quintom. Finally, we demonstrate the generalized second law (GSL) of thermodynamics. This is done in reconstructed f(T) cosmology. We consider the universe in the form of a closed bounded system.
In this system, the future event horizon is the boundary. We consider two different entropies, with a logarithmic correction term and a power-law correction term. We study the validity of the GSL for both of the cases. Our result has some deviation from the outcomes of Bamba et al. published in Astrophys. Space Sci. 344, 259 (2013) (2013). The deviation happens in the sense that in the said reference, the GSL had a conditional validity for both of the corrections in future event horizons. However, in the present case, the GSL did not hold in power-law correction and has validity without any condition in logarithmic correction with future event horizon as the enveloping surface of the universe.

G.P. Obi Reddy
Principal ScientistIndia
Agro-ecological zoning can be defined as the division of an area of land into land resource mapping units, having a unique combination of landform, soil and climatic characteristics, and land cover having a specific range of potentials, and constraints for land use. In recent years, satellite remote sensing-based inputs are increasingly gaining as an important source of agrometeorological data as it can complement significantly the traditional methods of agrometeorological data collection systems. In agro-ecological studies, the consistent and calibrated wealth of observational data, product and services flowing from specially equipped and highly sophisticated environmental observation satellites have immense potential. The current space-based Earth observing satellites with advanced spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions provide voluminous data on various agrometeorological parameters like cloud cover, rainfall, surface temperature, solar radiation, soil moisture and humidity profiles, which immensely helps in characterization of agro-ecological settings of the region. These time-series products are powerful databases for scientists and decision makers, especially when combined with ground observations collected with best practices to bridge the existing data gaps and revolutionize our understanding of the agro-ecological systems and their processes. These earth observation time-series products can be effectively used to monitor global temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, including natural disasters like floods, drought, crop failures for sustainable agriculture. In India, by using ground observations data, Indian Council of Agricultural Research -National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (ICAR-NBSS&LUP) delineated 20 agro-ecological regions (AER’s) of India by superimposing physiography, soils, bio-climate and length of growing period (LGP). Of late, these 20 AER’s were subdivided into 60 agro-ecological sub-regions (AESRs) by narrowing down further the limits of LGP, physiography, soil depth, soil texture and available water holding capacity (AWC) for agriculture land use planning and agro-technology transfer. Efforts are on to leverage the potential of space-based observation datasets and integration of ground observation datasets to further finetune the AESR’s and delineation of agro-ecological zones (AEZ’s) of India. Precise characterization of AEZ’s immensely helps to develop sustainable agricultural land use plans by using biophysical, and climatic variables with the help of advance geospatial tools for crop diversification, agro-technology transfer and ensure global ecological and food security.

Mohammed A. El-Lakany
Gravity and electromagnetism are two sides of the same coin, which is the clue of this unification. gravity and electromagnetism are representing by two mathematical structures, symmetric and antisymmetric respectively. Einstein gravitational field equation is the symmetric mathematical structure. Electrodynamics Lagrangian is three parts, for electromagnetic field, Dirac field and interaction term. The definition of canonical energy momentum tensor was used for each term in Electrodynamics Lagrangian to construct the antisymmetric mathematical structure. Symmetric and antisymmetric gravitational field equations are two sides of the same Lagrangian

Atila Poro
On 6 Jun 2020, Pluto's stellar occultation was successfully observed at a ground-based observatory and Pluto's atmospheric parameters were investigated. We used an atmospheric model of Pluto (DO15), assuming a spherical and transparent pure N2 atmosphere. Using ray-tracing code the stellar occultation light curve was satisfactorily fitted to this model. We found that Pluto's atmospheric pressure at the reference radius of 1215 km is μbar. Our estimated pressure shows a continuation of the increasing pressure studied in 2016 consistent with a seasonal volatile transport model. We concluded that the N2 condensation processes in the Sputnik Planitia glacier are increasing due to the heating of the N2 ice in this basin. This study's result was shown on the diagram of the annual evolution of atmospheric pressure.