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The "7th International Conference on Traditional & Alternative Medicine " held on April 18-19, 2025 in Goa, India. The theme of this congress is "Exploring New Horizons in Traditional & Alternative Medicine". We welcome every one of the researchers in the field of Herbal and Traditional Medicine, Acupuncturists Phytomedicine, Ayurveda, Pharmacognosy, Naturopathy, botanists, choice, and correlative remedy specialists, people who have confidence in trademark answers for exploring their examination, logical examinations and experts of a normal drug. Herbal Traditional principle moto is to address the difficulties in making a more secure, reasonable, and moderate framework for prescription, and well-being through solidifying the supporting Medicine Practices investigation stages. Traditional Medicine Conference 2024 speculates numerous agents including widespread keynote locations oral presentations by renowned speakers and production presentations by Herbal Exhibitions, understudies, and delegates all around the world.
Target Audience:·
- Associations, Societies, and Universities
- Traditional Medicine Practitioners
- Business/Practice Managers
- Homoeopathy Practitioners
- Acupuncture Practitioners
- Naturopathic Physicians
- Ayurveda Practitioners
- Medical Practitioners
- Acupuncturists
- Herbal Medicine
- Natural therapists
Track 1: Traditional Medicine
Alternative and Traditional medicine fundamentally covers all parts of present-day and predictable clinical research in the field of Proteomics, Chemistry, Pharmacology, security, quality control, metabolomics, sub-atomic component, genomics, clinical investigations of conventional Chinese, Arabic, Unani, and Ayurvedic medication. Up to 80% of the populace relies upon regular pharmaceuticals for their fundamental social protection needs in some African and Asian nations. Exactly when grasped outside of its regular culture, standard pharmaceutical is much of the time known as the elective arrangement. Standard medication fuse herbalism, ethnobotany, ethnomedicine, and restorative human sciences. Closure of elective prescription isn't some bit of arrangement or science-based therapeutic administration structure.
Traditional Medicine Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Traditional Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Pharmacognosy Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference 2020 | Traditional Medicine Symposium | Traditional Medicine Workshop Traditional Medicine Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Traditional Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Pharmacognosy Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference 2020 | Traditional Medicine Symposium | Traditional Medicine Workshop
Track 2: Traditional Medicine Today: Clinical and Research Issues
These are normally happening plant determined substances with insignificant or no modern preparation that has been utilized to treat an ailment. Conventional homegrown medications are getting critical consideration in world wellbeing discussions. In China, homegrown prescription assumed an unmistakable job in the technique to contain and treat SARS. 80% of African populaces utilize some type of traditional herbal medicine.
Traditional Medicine Summits | Traditional Medicine Meetings 2020 | Traditional Medicine Event | Traditional Medicine Congress | Acupuncture Conference | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conference | Phytochemistry Meetings | Herbal Medicine Conference | Traditional Chinese Medicine Conference | Global Traditional Medicine Conference
Track 3: Present and Future Trends in Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is a significant fragment of alternative medicine. It is turned out increasingly famous in this day and age due to regular cures. Characteristic solution based Traditional Medical course of action of treatment is a rapidly creating restorative administration game plan of budgetary importance and is directly comprehensively used in various countries of the world. In Africa, up to 80 per cent of the people use this normal standard drug structure to help meet their human administration needs. In Asia and Latin America, people continue using the structure in light of irrefutable conditions and social feelings. In China, TM establishes around 40 per cent of all prosperity considerations passed on. In future, with the Increasing use and rapidly creating business sector of herbal medicines and other herbal medicines services items, in both creating and created nations of the world, strategy creators, wellbeing experts and the open are progressively communicating worries about the security, quality, accessibility, viability, safeguarding, and further improvement issues of these homegrown items. Open intrigue has also been created for verification of the prosperity, suitability, and nature of home developed things and TM/CAM practices. In order to placate these stresses and to meet open solicitations, It gives and intended to explain different sorts of regular medicine. Remedial effectiveness of different homegrown drugs.
Traditional Medicine 2020 | Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Folk Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Acupuncture Conferences | Top Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Congress
Track 4: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a recuperating framework created in China over 2,200 years prior, joining treatments that are now and again. One of its core values is to scatter fiendishness and bolster the great. Notwithstanding treating an ailment, Traditional Chinese Medicine centres around reinforcing the body's safeguards and upgrading its ability for mending herbs and keep up health. It is a complete restorative social insurance framework containing scope of customary treatments including Acupuncture, pressure point massage, moxibustion, homegrown drug, sustenance, Cupping, Massage (tui na) and Qi gong. Customary Chinese Medicine (TCM) depends on the idea that the human body contains a lot of interconnected frameworks which keep up sound capacity through the parity of yin and yang or restricting energies, and the common progression of qi, the body's crucial vitality.
Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Congress | Herbal Medicine Event | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Events | Physiotherapy Conferences | Traditional Medicine Symposium | Complementary and Alternative Medicine Congress | Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Conferences
Track 5: Ayurveda & Physiotherapy
As per Ayurvedic speculation, everything is known to a man living or not is associated. Great wellbeing is accomplished when your body, mind, and soul are in amicability with the universe. An interruption of this agreement can prompt weakness and sickness. Anything that influences your physical, otherworldly or enthusiastic prosperity can make you be out of offset with the universe. A few things that can cause an unsettling influence include Genetic birth abandons, Injuries, Climate, occasional changes, Emotions, and Age.
Global Meeting on Traditional Medicine | Herbal Medicine Event | Traditional Chinese Medicine Workshop | Acupuncture Meetings | Traditional Medicine Summits | Alternative Medicine Congress | Medicine Conferences | Yoga & Mindfulness Conferences | Traditional Medicine Congress 2020 | Medicine Research Conferences
Track 6: Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry of Medicinal Plants
Pharmacognosy is the examination of remedial meds got from plants or other regular sources. The American Society of Pharmacognosy characterizes pharmacognosy as "the investigation of the physical, concoction, biochemical and organic properties of medications, tranquillize substances or potential medications or medication substances of regular starting point just as the quest for new medications from normal sources.
Traditional Medicine Conference 2020 | Traditional Medicine Symposium | Traditional Medicine Workshop | Top Traditional Medicine Conferences | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Event | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Herbal Medicine Events
Track 7: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the standard term for prosperity and well-being medications that have ordinarily not been a bit of ordinary Western medication. Integral methods medications are utilized alongside customary drugs. Elective methods medications are utilized instead of regular medicine.CAM gathers all things considered individual and joins physical, enthusiastic, mental and significant prosperity. For instance, CAM incorporates mind-body medication, (for example, contemplation, needle therapy, and yoga), manipulative and body-based practices, (for example, knead treatment and spinal control), and regular items, (for example, herbs and dietary supplements). Most CAM considers in the U.S. demonstrate that few individuals do without regular medication. So the expression "integrative prescription" is progressively liked. Integrative medication consolidates, or coordinates, the best of regular medicine restorative consideration with the best of proof-based CAM.
Traditional Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Congress | Physiotherapy Conferences | Acupuncture Conferences | Traditional Medicine 2020 | Herbal Medicine Meeting | Complementary and Alternative Medicine Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Pharmacognosy Conferences
Track 8: Veterinary Acupuncture
Acupuncture might be characterized as the inclusion of needles into explicit indicates on the body to produce a mending reaction. Every needle therapy point has explicit activities when animated. This system has been utilized in veterinary practice in China for a huge number of years to treat numerous afflictions. The Chinese additionally utilize needle therapy as a safeguard prescription. Needle therapy is utilized all around the globe, either along with or related to the Western drug, to treat a wide assortment of conditions in each species of creature. Clinical research has been directed to indicating positive outcomes in the treatment of the two creatures and people, and the utilization of acupuncture is expanding.
Traditional Medicine Conferences 2020 | Traditional Medicine Event | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Acupuncture Symposium | Acupuncture Event | Traditional Chinese Medicine Workshop | Traditional Chinese Medicine Meetings | Traditional Medicine Summits
Track 9: Folk Medicine
Folk medicine, for the most part, manages the investigation of herbal and different cures of traditional medicine premise, which coincide with the science-based and institutional arrangement of therapeutic practices that are spoken to by traditional medication. Society Medicine began from Primitive man's innovative strategies for medications utilizing herbs and other regular cures. The following are the various sorts of society drugs Traditional Chinese medication, Traditional Korean prescription, Arabic indigenous drug, Uyghur conventional medication, Japanese Kampo drug, Traditional Aboriginal bramble medication, Georgian folk medicine.
Global Meeting on Traditional Medicine | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conference | Traditional Medicine Congress 2020 | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Meeting | Acupuncture Conferences | Pharmacognosy Conferences | Traditional Medicine Workshop
Track 10: Yoga & Mindfulness
Yoga is the Indic word for affiliation and maybe a 5000-year-old Indian gathering of information. in spite of the fact that a couple considers yoga only as a movement anyplace individuals twist, turn, broaden, and suspire the boss impelled habits. The speciality of Yoga splashes up the entire substance of the lifestyle. Yoga offers countless mental and physical points of interest. In the front line time of yoga, advances in development and transparency of information empower experts to confirm these focal points that have been discussed for a very long time. Yoga offers a generous number of mental and physical good conditions. Inside the period of yoga, moves in development and accessibility of data enable researchers to check and exhibit these focal points that are referenced for ages.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 11: Medicinal Plant
Medicinal plants have always played a pivotal role as sources for drug lead compounds. Early humans, driven by their instinct, taste, and experience, treated their illnesses by using plants; hence, the history of medicinal plants is as long as the history of humans. These herbs that have medicinal quality provide rational means for the treatment of many internal diseases, which are otherwise considered difficult to cure. Medicinal plants have long been utilized in traditional medicine and worldwide ethnomedicine.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 12: Holistic Medicine
Holistic medicine means consideration of the complete person, physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually, in the management and prevention of disease. It is underpinned by the concept that there is a link between our physical health and our more general 'well-being'. In a holistic approach to medicine, there is the belief that our well-being relies not just on what is going on in our body physically in terms of illness or disease, but also on the close inter-relation of this with our psychological, emotional, social, spiritual and environmental state. Holistic medicine is an approach to medical care that takes into account the entire person and the circumstances surrounding them.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 13: Traditional Japanese Medicine (Kampo)
The therapeutic approach in Kampo medicine is aimed at harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit; this practice involves the use of narrative and holistic medication that treats the entire being of the patient, resulting in an increased number of specialized treatment plans. Traditional Japanese medicine, Kampo, is used by over 80% of medical doctors in Japan. Kampo medicine differs from Western medicine in terms of etiological concepts, methods of examination and evaluation of patients, diagnosis methods, and modes of selection of drugs for the treatment of individual patients.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 14: Traditional Korean Medicine
Traditional Korean medicine plays an important role in the Korean parallel health care system, there is limited information about the preference and usage of traditional Korean medicine compared to Western medicine because they have different disease classification systems. Traditional Korean medicine use is defined by the type of medical institution they used. Disease types, number of visits and out of pocket expenditures were analysed. Traditional Korean medicine was used in only a small number of cases that were emergencies or hospitalization. However, in terms of outpatient services, traditional Korean medicine was used in 7.8% of all cases and represented 9.9% of total medical costs.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 15: Traditional African Medicine
African traditional medicine is defined as one of the holistic health care systems comprised of three levels of specializations namely divination, spiritualism, and herbalism. Traditional African medicine involves diviners, midwives, and herbalists. Diviners are responsible for determining the cause of illness, which in some cases are believed to stem from ancestral spirits and other influences. There are strong spiritual aspects to traditional African medicine, with a widespread belief among practitioners that psychospiritual aspects must be addressed before medical aspects.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 16: Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is a system that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself. Naturopathic medicine is a science-based tradition that promotes wellness by identifying the unique aspects of each patient and then employing non-toxic natural therapies to restore his or her physiological, psychological, and structural balance.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 17: Unani Medicine
Unani medicine is a very old traditional system of medicine. Unani medicine is an ancient Greek system of medicine based on the qualities of four temperaments and four humours. Unani medicine recognizes the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical causes of illness or health and believes that each individual should take responsibility for their own well-being.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 18: Siddha Medicine
The treatment in Siddha medicine is aimed at keeping the three humours in equilibrium and maintenance of seven elements. The word Siddha means established truth. The persons who were associated with establishing such a Siddha school of thought were known as Siddhas.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 19: Oriental Medicine
Oriental medicine is the oldest codified system of medicine in the world. It restores health and balance by treating illness and disease through the Five Major Branches of Oriental Medicine, which include: acupuncture; Chinese herbal medicine; oriental nutrition and dietary therapy; tuina or oriental bodywork as well as tai chi and qi gong. Oriental Medicine relies on a highly comprehensive and individualized diagnosis of a patient's Qi (or chi) energy.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 20: Persian Medicine
Persian Medicine consists of the sum total of all the understanding and practices used in diagnosis, prevention and elimination of illness in Persia from historic instances to the present. It is based entirely on unrealistic trips and observations exceeded down from generation to generation.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 21: Natural Cosmetics
Most cosmetic products have certain natural products in their formulation which serve a particular biological function. The latest research indicates that the beneficial effects of natural cosmetics greatly outweigh the advantages of chemical-based products.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 22: Ethnobotany and Ethnopharmacology
Ethnobotanists conduct research on the applications and concepts of plant cultures and societies (common knowledge), and ethnopharmacologists examine plant medicinal uses and their properties with evidence from popular culture. Ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology, like all ethnoscience, have an individual and cultural aspect in common where the intent and results of the ethnoscience, scientific and basic sciences and technology are the practice of an advertisement kind. This helps to stimulate those curious about ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology and human welfare to seem closely and seriously. The inter-and multidisciplinary approaches can cause more fruitful, thorough and systemic approximations within the study of plant-people interactions.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Track 23: Nutraceuticals & Functional Medicine
Thanks to natural health and medicinal benefits as nutraceuticals attracted tremendous attention. Nutraceuticals are utilized to cure and forestall different diseases. Nutrients, herbals, and dietary supplements are essential components of health-care nutraceuticals, working against different diseases & disorders thereby improving quality of life. Nutraceutical development depends on its consistency, health, long-term adverse effects, and toxicity, further as dietary experiments and human clinical trials.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meeting 2020 | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conferences | Chinese Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda & Physiotherapy Conferences | Veterinary Acupuncture Conferences | Acupuncture Congress | Traditional Medicine Meetings
Global Market for Traditional Medicine:
The worldwide option and correlative medication market were esteemed at USD 40.32 billion of every 2015. Inferable from the expanding support by the majority, expanded utilization of customary restorative strategies has an extension for impressive development in the coming decade. It was assessed that over 60% of the worldwide populace utilizes a few of the other type of customary prescription starting in 2015. The integral and elective prescription market is required to produce an income of USD 196.87 billion by 2025, as per another report by Grand View Research, Inc. Factors, for example, the expansion in the selection of elective drug by individuals joined with the administrative activities of various key nations to upgrade reach is required to help in development income age roads. Ayurvedic medicines have seen the most exponential development in the field of customary drug. It is esteemed at more than $75Bn by 2019 and has a yearly development rate of 6.6%. The homegrown medication market is esteemed at $71.19Bn and expected to develop getting beneficial additions. Therapeutic plants are additionally picking up fame due to their similarly lower expenses to allopathy. It has additionally been utilized to treat SARS serious intense respiratory disorder in China. Tannins, flavonoids have against cancer properties. They are relied upon to pick up notoriety because of the expanding instances of cancer.
Why to Attend:
Traditional Medicine fundamental motto is to address the difficulties in making a more secure, economical and moderate framework for drug, and wellbeing through uniting the supporting Alternative Medicine inquire about stages. Analyst and Expertise who's in these subjects need inside and out comprehension. It's imperative to impart learning to others because of recently produced issue. For that, they need a stage to share their insight. We could state we make a brilliant open door for those individuals to uncover their insight through this meeting.
Traditional Medicine Universities around the Globe:
Traditional Medicine Universities in Asia:
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine | International School of Acupuncture | Indian Acupuncture Training & Research Institute | Bihar Acupressure Yoga college | All India Institute of Occult Science | Atreya Institutions| Osmania Medical College | Seoul National University| Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine’s & Natural Healing |Kyung Hee University | Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine | Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine |Herbal Medicine Conferences| Beijing University of Chinese Medicine | The Holistic Institute, Dubai | Institute of Holistic Mental Health
Traditional Medicine Universities in Europe:
Shulan College of Chinese Medicine| European University of the Atlantic| BPP University| The International Academy of Osteopathy| Traditional Medicine Conferences| University of Birmingham| Alternative Healthcare Conferences| University of South Wales| Pharmacognosy Conferences| College of Integrated Chinese Medicine| University of Worcester| Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine| The Institute of Chinese Medicine| Barcelona College Of Chiropractic| London South Bank University| | Leeds Beckett University| Cardiff Metropolitan University| University of Roehampton| University of Derby| The International College of Oriental Medicine| University of Greenwich | University of South Wales | University of Bolton| University of Malta| International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM)| Herbal Medicine Conferences| Northern College of Acupuncture| Bjorknes College| Glyndwr University| University of Westminster| Pharmacognosy Conferences| University of Roehampton
Universities of Traditional Medicine in the USA:
Traditional Oriental Medicine| Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine College, Berkeley| New England School of Acupuncture| Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine| The American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine| Pacific College of Oriental Medicine-San Diego| Pharmacognosy Conferences| Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences| Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture|Han University of Traditional Medicine| South Baylo University | AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine| | Bastyr University| Florida College of Integrative Medicine| Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine| Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine| Emperor’s College School of Five Branches University
Traditional Medicine Societies in Europe:
British Herbal Medicine Association | The Association for Natural Medicine in Europe | British Acupuncture Council| British Complementary Medicine Association | British Homeopathic Association| International Conferences on Traditional Medicine| British Medical Acupuncture Society | European Central Council of Homeopaths | European Herbal and Traditional Medicine Practitioner’s Association | European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association| European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy| Research Council for Complementary Medicine | Swedish Acupuncture Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sweden| Alternative Herbal Medicine Conferences| European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association | International Conferences on Traditional Medicine
USA Traditional Medicine Societies:
Foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine| National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine| Alternative and Integrative Medical Society | Pharmacognosy Conferences| American Association of Integrative Medicine| American Integrative Medical Association| Association of Integrative Medicine | Natural Standard Weil Foundation| Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine | American Association of Drugless Practitioners | Pharmacognosy Conferences | American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association |American Massage Therapy Association| Holistic Dental Association National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy | National College of Natural Medicine | Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association
Asian Traditional Medicine Societies:
Indian Society of Medical Acupuncture | International SuJok Acupuncture Association | The Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion | China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences | Ayurvedic Practitioners Association of Singapore | International Academy of Ayurved | Malaysian Chinese Medical Association | The Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong | Chinese Medical Association |Chinese Herbs and Biotech Development Association | Acupuncture Association of India |Indian Integrated Acupuncture Association | Association of Acupuncture Science Practitioners
European Traditional Medicine Company:
Dr Hua Shen Acupuncture| Hijama clinic Birmingha| Kirkman Nutritional Supplements| Natural Wellbeing | Brighton Acupuncture | ACA Acupuncture NY Group|Amnish UK Ltd |The Acupuncture Room
USA Traditional Medicine Company:
Acupuncture Corporation of America | Jaseng Center for Integrative Medicine | CapeChiropractic and Acupuncture | Helio USA Inc.| Lotus Spring Acupuncture and Wellness Inc | Swiss Acupuncture | CAMRIS International | Seattle Children’s | US HealthWorks | | Sophia Natural Health Center | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute| Canyon Ranc | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center | Joint Ventures | Noom Inc. | Pharmacognosy Conferences| Free Range Health | Sutter Health | Volunteer Match | Aurora | Goldthread Herbs | Benefits Health System | Hunterdon Healthcare | Lhasa OMS | Herb Pharm | Gaia Herbs | Bar leans Organic Oils | |Exhibitions on Alternative Medicine
Asian Traditional Medicine Company:
Dasherb Corp. | Natural Remedies | Wujiang Jia Chen Acupuncture Devices Co. Ltd. | Bronze Man Co., Ltd | Wagner Industry Electric Co., Ltd | Jiangmen Xinli Medical Apparatus And Instruments Co., Ltd.| Shanghai Xinhua E-General Merchandise Co., Ltd. | Maanshan Bond Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd. | | Beijing Jianlekang Medical Instrument Co., Ltd| Herbal Medicine Conferences | Zhuhai Aofute Medtech Co., Ltd. | Suzhou Huachun Acupuncture Instruments Gerneral Co.,ltd | Intern | Shanghai Kangyao International Trade Co., Ltd | Suzhou Awin Hospital Products Co Ltd
Traditional Medicine Jobs in Europe:
Massage Therapist -Meridian Acupuncture and Herbs-UK | Chinese Medicine Centre -Acupuncturist-London | Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Therapist-London | International Conferences on Traditional Medicine| Complementary Health Therapists-Tree of Life Centre- London | Physiotherapist at RamsayHealth Care UK Operations Limited| Acupuncturists at Chinese Medicine Centre - Kingston upon Thames | Complementary Therapist at Marie Curie UK
USA Traditional Medicine Jobs:
Acupuncturists at Dubarry Chiropractic Inc | Massage Therapist at Soothe | Canine Rehabilitation Veterinary Technician at Holistic Veterinary Care | Massage Therapy Faculty with ECPI University | International Conferences on Traditional Medicine| Chiropractor Float at The JAG Group |Pharmacognosy Conferences| Massage Therapist Per Diem at NYU Langone Hospitals | Volunteer: Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, & Acupuncture Professionals at Trinity Hospice | Licensed Massage Therapist at Comprehensive Medical Care of Edison and Monroe | GreatChiropractic Opportunity at Joint Ventures | Chiropractor at MaxWell Medical | Acupuncture Associate at Common Ground Wellness
Track 1
Traditional Medicine
Track 2
Traditional Medicine Today: Clinical and Research Issues
Track 3
Present and Future Trends in Herbal Medicine
Track 4
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Track 5
Ayurveda & Physiotherapy
Track 6
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry of Medicinal Plants
Track 7
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Track 8
Veterinary Acupuncture
Track 9
Folk Medicine
Track 10
Yoga & Mindfulness
Track 11
Medicinal Plant
Track 12
Holistic Medicine
Track 13
Traditional Japanese Medicine (Kampo)
Track 14
Traditional Korean Medicine
Track 15
Traditional African Medicine
Track 16
Naturopathic Medicine
Track 17
Unani Medicine
Track 18
Siddha Medicine
Track 19
Oriental Medicine
Track 20
Persian Medicine
Track 21
Natural Cosmetics
Track 22
Ethnobotany and Ethnopharmacology
Track 23
Nutraceuticals & Functional Medicine
Track 24
Track 25