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The 10th Global Congress on Food Science and Nutrition will be held from April 18-19, 2025. The Food Science Conference will focus on “ Research and Invention in Food Science and Nutrition”. It is an overall pioneer in making amazing gatherings, events, workshops, and symposia in every genuine field of science, advancement, and remedy. Nutrition Conference is proposed to gather driving judgment aptitudes for a phase on food innovation and its support. It is an extraordinary manual to pass on comprehensive prominent universities in the authority of sustenance science and advancement, specialists, hypothetical researchers, sustenance examiners, analysts, etc. The Sustenance Technology Meeting is intended to offer far-reaching Tracks that address current issues in the field of Food Technology, such as Sustenance Science and Technology, Food and Nutrition, Food Microbiology, Food Safety, and Chemical Analysis of Food.
Track 1: Food Science & Technology
The commitment of sustenance science and advancement specialists to driving the examination of sustenance, guaranteeing an ensured and abundant sustenance supply, and adding to progressively helpful individuals any place is critical to that improvement. Sustenance researchers and technologists are versatile, interdisciplinary, and system organized experts in a calling at the intersection purpose of predictable and mechanical changes. As the sustenance framework has radically changed, from one in perspective on family Food age on specific ranches and sustenance conservation to the cutting edge blueprint of today, by a wide margin most are not related with their sustenance nor are they okay with developing creation and Food assembling proposed for better sustenance prosperity and quality".
Food Science Conferences | Food Technology Conferences | Food Safety Conferences | Food Packaging Conferences | Nutrition Conferences | Food Conferences 2020 | Food Conferences 2020 Japan | Food and Nutrition Symposium | Food Science Workshop
Track 2: Nutraceuticals & Nutrition Supplements
The worldwide sports nourishment market represented $28.37 billion in 2016 and is relied upon to reach $45.27 billion by 2022, developing at a CAGR of around 8.1% somewhere in the range of 2017 and 2022, as indicated by another report from Zion Market Research. The nutraceuticals business keeps on being in a sound position generally and future conjectures are promising. For instance, Euromonitor International anticipates the U.S. nutrient and dietary enhancement market to increment by 53% to $28.7 billion by 2021.
Food Science Summits | Food and Nutrition Event | Food and Nutrition Congress | Nutrition Conference | Food Chemistry Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meetings | Clinical Nutrition Conference | Food and Obesity Conference | Food Safety Conference
Track 3: Food and Nutrition
Food has been an essential piece of our life. Certification of nourishment guarantees improvement in youngsters and youth keeps up fantastic flourishing all through life. Enhancements are segments of nourishment required for the body in satisfactory sums for development, growth, and living a regular life. Sustenance joins the procedure from eating nourishment to its use in different parts of the body. The investigation of sustenance directs what enhancements we require, in what entirety, how to get them and how the body uses them. Satisfactory, impeccable and sound sustenance shows the perfect entire and level of enhancements for a legitimate use for accomplishing the most raised proportion of physical and mental thriving. The use of nourishment in the body consolidates three strategies – taking care of, assimilation and use of enhancements in the body.
Nutrition 2023 | Food Science Conference | Food Safety Conferences | Food and Nutrition Conferences | Food & Nutritional Disorder Conference | Food Technology Meeting | Pediatric Nutrition Conferences | Top Food Conferences | Nutrition Conferences | Food Congress
Track 4: Food Safety
Insufficient dietary admission during pregnancy is a noteworthy issue in some low-salary nations. The Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) was acclimated to examine nuclear family sustenance get and the individual dietary good assortment review to investigate ladies' dietary assortment. Sustenance security relates directly to sustenance and prosperity. Normally sustenance security is thought of as being related to the availability and access to staples. Be that as it may, the risk to sustenance security furthermore lies with urbanization, wage contrast, overpopulation, natural framework corruption, animal prosperity, and sustenance soundness. Sustenance fitness is furthermore a fundamental piece of sustenance. Strength is seen by methods for sustenance prosperity and sustenance obstruction programs, making them fundamental pieces of a sustenance security program as well.
Upcoming Food Conferences | Nutrition Congress | Food Science Event | Food Chemistry Conferences | Nutrition Events | Food and Obesity Conferences | Food Symposium | Food and Nutrition Congress | Clinical Nutrition Conferences
Track 5: Food Chemistry
It resembles natural science in its rule parts, for instance, sugars, lipids, and protein, yet it similarly joins areas, for instance, water, nutrients, minerals, synthetic concoctions, nourishment including substances, flavours, and shades. This train moreover incorporates how things change under certain sustenance getting ready strategies and courses either to overhaul or to shield them from occurring. An instance of overhauling a system is bolstering maturing of dairy things with microorganisms that change from lactose to lactic destructive; an instance of keeping a technique would stop the burning on the outside of recently cut Red Delicious apples using lemon juice or other acidulated water.
Global Meeting on Food | Nutrition Event | Food Science Workshop | Dietician Meetings | Food Summits | Food Congress | Clinical Nutrition Conferences | Food Safety Conferences | Food and Obesity Conferences
Track 6: Pediatric Nutrition
Pediatric Nutrition is the maintenance of a proper well-adjusted eating regimen comprising the basic supplements and the sufficient caloric admission important to advance the development and continue the physiological prerequisites at the different phases of a youngster's improvement. Healthful needs change impressively with age, a dimension of movement, and natural conditions and they are legitimately identified with the rate of development. In the pre-birth period development absolutely relies upon sufficient maternal sustenance. At the outset, the requirement for calories, particularly protein, is more prominent than in any postnatal period as a result of the fast increment in both stature and weight.
Nutrition Symposium | Food and Nutrition Workshop | Top Food Conferences | Upcoming Food Conferences | Food Science Event | Paediatric Nutrition Conferences | Nutrition Events
Track 7: Genetically Modified Food
Genetic change in food nourishment isn't known - For hundreds of years, sustenance yields and creatures have been adjusted through specific rearing. While qualities can be moved during specific rearing, the degree for trading hereditary material is a lot more extensive utilizing hereditary designing. In principle, hereditary designing enables hereditary material to be moved between any living being, including among plants and creatures. For instance, the quality of a fish that lives in freezing oceans has been embedded into a strawberry, enabling the organic product to be ice tolerant.
Genetically Modified Food Conferences | Food Congress | Nutrition Conferences 2020 | Food and Nutrition Conferences | Food 2020 | Asian Dietetics Conference | Nutraceutical Conferences | Food Congress Conferences
Track 8: Clinical Nutrition
Clinical nutrition is nutrition required for patients with medicinal concerns. Clinical alludes to the administration of patients, including outpatients at facilities, yet in addition (and mostly) inpatients in emergency clinics. Essentially it joins the logical zones of nourishment and dietetics. Clinical nourishment assumes a noteworthy job in sickness counteractive action. It joins essentially the logical fields of sustenance and dietetics and intends to keep a sound vitality balance in patients, just as giving adequate sums of different supplements, for example, protein, multivitamins, and minerals. The central go for clinical nourishment is to keep up a sound vitality balance in patients, just as giving adequate measures of supplements, for example, proteins, minerals, and nutrients. Nourishing Assessment, Parenteral sustenance, and Nutrition Physiology go under clinical nutrition.
Food and Nutrition Event | Clinical Nutrition Conferences | Food Science Symposium | Nutritionals event | Dietician Workshop | Nutraceuticals & Nutrition Meetings | Food Summits
Track 9: Food & Nutritional Disorders
Nutritional Disorder is brought about by deficient utilization of food or of specific supplements, by the powerlessness of the body to ingest. As such Nutritional insufficiency issues may incorporate deficiencies or excesses in the eating routine, weight addition and dietary issues, and relentless sicknesses, for instance, cardiovascular contamination, hypertension, ailment, and diabetes mellitus. Healthy disorders moreover consolidate developmental varieties from the standard that can be neutralized by a decline in nourishment, an inborn metabolic issue that responds to dietary treatment, the relationship of sustenance and enhancements with nourishment sensitivities and prejudices, medications, and potential risks in the food supply.
Upcoming Food Conferences | Nutrition Congress | Food Science Event | Food Chemistry Conferences | Nutrition Events | Food and Obesity Conferences | Food Symposium | Food and Nutrition Congress | Clinical Nutrition Conferences
Track 10: Food and Obesity
Weight decrease and eating routine organization is a test for some people the world over. Comprehensive, more than 1 billion people are over an ideal weight. Despite the negative social effects being overweight has on an individual, the prosperity effects can be savage. The impacts weight has on dangerous or groundbreaking disorders are devastating. Ailments, for instance, diabetes, coronary sickness, and ailment all have associations with being overweight or heavy. Extending preparation tries, open weight organization structures, sustenances, and a creating need to be physically appealing have stimulated this market in later years. In excess of 100 million people in the United States are successfully connected with a weight decrease or weight organization structure at any one time reliably. This proposes an enthusiasm for things and organizations which will continue for a significant long opportunity to arrive.
Food and Obesity Conference | Upcoming Food Conferences | Pediatric Nutrition Conferences | Clinical Nutrition Conferences | Food and Nutrition Conferences | Food & Nutritional Disorders Congress | Food Science Meetings
Track 11: Food Biotechnology
Food technology is a branch of food science that deals with the production, preservation, quality control and research and development of food products. Early scientific research into food technology concentrated on food preservation. Nicolas Appert’s development in 1810 of the canning processes was a decisive event. The process wasn't called canning then and Appert did not really know the principle on which his process worked, but canning has had a major impact on food preservation techniques.
Track 12: Sport & Nutrition
Sports nutrition plays a key role in optimising the beneficial effects of physical activity whether you’re a bodybuilder, professional athlete in training or exercising to improve your mental and physical health. The importance of sports nutrition is consuming the right balance of food and drink is important for everyone and those actively participating in sports need to be aware that it can also affect performance.
Track 13: Artificial Food Additives
Artificial food additives are substances added to foods to perform a range of specific functions. Additives may be natural, natural identical or artificial. Food additives are utilized in the preparation and processing of almost all types of food in order to give favourable attributes to the food we eat.
Track 14: Public Health Nutrition
Public Health Nutrition is the application of nutrition and public health principles to design programs, systems, policies and environments that aim to improve or maintain the optimal health of populations and targeted groups. Public Health Nutrition is the promotion of good health through nutrition and physical activity and the primary prevention of related illness in the population.
Track 15: Food Engineering and Waste Management
The food processing industry around the world is making serious efforts to minimize by-products, compost organic waste, recycle processing and packaging materials and save energy and water. The three R’s of waste management – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle can help food manufacturers in reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and reusing waste.
Track 16: Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease
Obesity is a growing health problem worldwide. It is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk on the one hand of obesity itself and on the other hand of associated medical conditions, the cardiovascular complications associated with obesity are also driven by processes involving hormones and peptides and which include inflammation, insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction, coronary calcification, activation of coagulation, renin-angiotensin or the sympathetic nervous systems.
Track 17: Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which the body does not produce enough or respond normally to insulin causing blood sugar (glucose) levels to be abnormally high. Diabetes insipidus is a relatively rare disorder that does not affect blood glucose levels but, just like diabetes mellitus also causes increased urination.
Track 18: Nutrition and Cancer Research
According to the World Health Organization “between 30–50% of cancers can currently be prevented by avoiding risk factors and implementing existing evidence-based prevention strategies.” The main nutrients to focus on during cancer treatment are protein, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins & minerals. Not everyone with cancer has nutrition-related side effects.
Track 19: Dairy Science & Technology
Dairy science and technology are a field that encompasses the production and manufacturing of all dairy products as well as the machinery and methods used in the dairy industry. Dairy Science and technology related to the study of how physical, enzymatic, and microbial transformation and protection may be applied to milk to prolong its shelf life in the form of products.
Track 20: Food Nanotechnology
Food nanotechnology is an area of emerging interest and opens up a whole universe of new possibilities for the food industry. Nano food packaging materials may extend food life, improve food safety, alert consumers that food is contaminated or spoiled, repair tears in packaging, and even release preservatives to extend the life of the food in the package.
Market Research:
The development and selling of food and nutritional supplements have increased dramatically. This has allowed a slew of new industries to enter the market with products that claim to be the answer to youth, wellness, and necessity. The global nutritional supplement market is expected to be worth $104 billion, according to nutritional journals.
Nutrition for athletes Italian consumers are getting more knowledgeable about the various sorts of products available and their purposes. While consumers' primary priorities were initially to gain muscle and thus choose sports protein, they are now becoming more aware of the efficacy of products aimed at enhancing energy, endurance, recovery, and strength. The foodservice market in Italy is expected to grow at a CAGR of 1.24 per cent.
Scope and Importance:
Food science manages the nature of concoction substance and change that happens during the extreme ecological conditions, handling, usage and so on. This change prompts enthusiastic changes in the body. Any irregularity and variation from the norm in the Chemical constituents like Carbohydrates, nutrients, minerals, water and so forth prompt the sick rate in the body. In this way, the learning of Biochemistry connected in finding, avoidance and treatment of these maladies. Nourishment Chemistry guiding the sustenance material to synthetic perceptions. Sustenance science uses numerous methods and Analytical apparatuses so they change the nourishment with sound, nutritious, safe nourishment materials with high business esteem. An understanding the compound change and procedures has made sustenance substances accessible on a worldwide scale. The essential guideline under nourishment science is to make the strategies that make it conceivable to collect, save, process and set up the sustenance with high dietary benefit for human utilization and increment the time span of usability of nourishment items without making any infections the human. Expanding normal family yearly spending on sustenance, rising mindfulness about medical advantages related with natural nourishments, more noteworthy openness of these items through little to medium scale retailers, persistent advancement in-store network system and execution of activities to urge ranchers to change to natural cultivating are anticipated to fuel natural nourishment deals over the globe.
Food and Nutrition Universities in Europe:
Northumbria University | Sports Nutrition Conferences | The University of Leeds | University of Navarra | University of Barcelona | University of Wolver Hampton | University of Miami | University of Canterbury | University of Basel | The Open University | Wageningen University | University of Calgary | University of Toronto | Lund University | Tufts University | University of Adelaide | University of Lowa | Nitrification Conferences | University of Amsterdam | University of Hertfordshire | University of Helsinkiaterloo | University of Sydney | University of Florida | University of Wollongong | University of Vienna | | Food Packaging Conferences | Brown University | Coventry University | University of Huddersfield | Stockholm University | University of Auckland | University of Zurich | Concordia University | Queens University | Food Technology Conferences | University of Minnesota | Teesside University |Leeds Beckett University | University of Surrey | University of Roehampton | University of Nottingham | Liverpool John Moores University | Edge Hill University | Imperial College | University of Aberdeen | University of Bedfordshire | Food Microbiology Conferences | University of Brighton | University of Gothenburg | University of Washington | University of Otego | University of Debrecen | Tilburg University | University of Bergen | York University | Aalto University | Lough borough University | Master University | Food Security Conferences | Harvard University | Macquarie University | University of Glasgow | University of Aberdeen | University of Limerick | University of Cambria | University of Illinois | Florida International University | Western Sydney University | Trine University | The University of New Mexico | James Madison University | Okan University | Baylor University | Van Hall Larenstein | University of Applied Sciences | Food Safety and Microbiology Conferences | The University of Vermont | CQ University Australia | Glasgow Caledonian University | University of Tasmania | James Madison University | James Madison University | Taylor's University | Louisiana State University | Food Safety Conferences | Florida International University | University of Saint Joseph | Bath Spa University | Lipscomb University | West Virginia University | Long Island University | Springfield College | Izmir University of Economics | Washington State University | Colorado State University | York Saint John University | London South Bank University | Liverpool John Moores University | University of Westminster | Animal Nutrition Conferences | Iowa State University | Victoria University | Leeds Beckett University | York University | Illinois State University | University of New England Maine | Cal Poly Pomona University | University of Central Missouri | University of Arizona | University of Houston | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | Dietetics Conferences | Seoul National University | Gannon University | Liverpool John Moores University | Ohio State University | Florida International University | Shiraz University of Medical Sciences | Cornell University | Public Health Nutrition Conferences | University of Glasgow | University of Reading | University of Arkansas Fayetteville | Madonna University | Henderson State University | University of Prince Edward Island | State University of New York Plattsburgh | Carson-Newman University | Nottingham Trent University | University of Missouri - Columbia | University of Mississippi | Andrews University | The University of Hertfordshire | Molecular Nutrition Conferences | Texas A&M University - Kingsville | University of Arizona | | Erasmus University College Brussels | Cardiff Metropolitan University | London Metropolitan University | University of Nottingham | Plymouth University | | Food Security Conferences | Cardiff Metropolitan University | Queen Margaret University | Birmingham City University | University of Chester | Nutrition Conferences | Leeds Beckett University | University of Manchester | University of Chester | Ulster University | University of Worcester | Glasgow Caledonian University | Food and Beverage Conferences | University of Stirling | Bangor University | Heriot-Watt University | Oxford Brookes University | University of Westminster | University of Bristol | Loughborough University | King's College | University of Chester | Oxford Brookes University | Food Conferences | University of Glasgow
Danish Nutrition Society | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations | Association for Nutrition | Aimed at investigating the associations | Danish Diet & Nutrition Association | The Nutrition Society | Federation of European Nutrition Societies
University of Alberta | The University of Guelph | University of Saskatchewan | Central Michigan University | McGill University | University of British Columbia | University of Florida | Keiser University | Sports Nutrition Conferences | Miami Dade College | Food Conferences | Hillsborough Community College | Eckerd College | University of North Florida |Nutrification Conferences Florida State College | University of North Alabama | Food Safety Conferences University of Toledo | The University of Pittsburgh | State University of New York College | Animal Nutrition Conferences | University of Illinois | Molecular Nutrition Conferences | Texas State University | San José State University | South Carolina State University | South Carolina | University of Minnesota | Wayne State University | College of Saint Elizabeth | Food Safety Conferences Eastern Oklahoma State College | Animal Nutrition Conferences | University of Arkansas For Medical Sciences | University of the Incarnate Word | Kyung Hee University | Tezpur University | Sejong University | Molecular Nutrition Conferences | Mahidol University | Amirkabir University of Technology | Hokkaido University | Kyushu University | Hiroshima University | Nagoya University | Zhejiang University | University of Copenhagen| Food Security Conferences | Western Mindanao State University | Centro Escolar University | University of the Philippines Los Banos | Silliman University | University of Southern Philippines Foundation | University of the Philippines
Rhodes University | Biogenetic Conferences | Nitrification Conferences University of the Free State | Moi University | Makerere University | Sports Nutrition Conferences | Food and Beverage Conferences Cape Peninsula University of Technology | Food Safety Conferences Addis Ababa University | | Sports Nutrition Conferences | Kenyatta University | University of the Witwatersrand | Food Conferences | University of KwaZulu-Natal | Universities Stellenbosch | University of Johannesburg | North-West University | University of Nairobi | University of the Western Cape | The American University | Molecular Nutrition Conferences | University of Ibadan | Nutrition Conferences | Cairo University
Food and Nutrition Societies :
The European Liaison Committee | EuChemS Division of Food Chemistry | ISEKI-Food Association | Food Integrity | Food Engineering Conferences | European Snacks Association | EU Specialty Food Ingredients | European Chilled Food Federation | Food Service Europe | The Friends of Wine & Food Society | Bulgarian Food Safety Agency | European Association of Fruit and Vegetable Processors | European Potato Processors' Association | European Former Foodstuff Processors Association | European Cocoa | Chilled Food Association | Seed Crushers and Oil Processors Association | Association of the fruit juice industry in the European Union | Spanish Nutrition Society | Swedish Society for Clinical Nutrition | Swiss Society for Nutrition | Dutch Academy of Nutritional Sciences | European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics | Food Drink Europe | European Food Safety Authority | European Federation of Food Science and Technology | International Food Design Society: food design | European Federation of Food | Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions | European Food Law Association | CELCAA
Food Safety-American cheese Society | Midwest Food Products Association | International Dairy Foods Association | Refrigerated Foods Association | Association of Food and Drug Officials | American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition | Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association | Safe Food Alliance | The National Onion Association | | Food Safety - U.S. Poultry & Egg Association | International Association for Food Protection | Florida Association for Food Protection | Food Safety and Health Conferences | Arkansas Association for Food Protection
International Food & Beverage Association | Food Hygiene Asia | The Hong Kong Food Science and Technology Association | Japan Food Safety Management Association | Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies | Asia Pacific Infant and Young Child Nutrition Association | Food Technology Asia | Hong Kong Food Safety Association | Nutrition Association of Thailand | Thai Food Processors Association | Food Engineering Conferences | Food Safety South East Asia World Health Organization | Singapore Food Manufacturing Association | Food Technology Asia | The Thai Packaging Association | | ASEAN Food and Beverage Alliance | Agricultural and Food Marketing Association for Asia and the Pacific | | Centre for Food Safety
Food and Nutrition Companies :
Creme Global | Keen Management Services | Skillsoft Ireland Limited | The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health | TÜV SÜD AG | Omnex Inc | LRQA Limited | 3M Food Safety | Food Safety Conferences | The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) | Royal Crown | Environmental Scientifics Group | Award Health & Safety Ltd | Chilworth Safety & Risk Management Pvt. Ltd. | Romer Labs | Food Hygiene Conferences | Mesutronic Gerätebau GmbH | MAS Environmental | British Pest Control Association (BPCA) | Centre of Excellence | Barbour Index Plc | Food Safety Conferences
VAN DYK Recycling Solutions | Ben Meadows | Treatment Equipment Company(TEC) | Food Safety and Microbiology Conferences | Reagen Biology LLC | Koester Associates | (KAI) | Envco The Environmental Collective | Ingredient Identity | Global Manager Group | I Group Inc | Skillsoft Ireland Limited | Separation Methods Technologies | | Sports Nutrition Conferences | Nutritional Science Conferences.| Diabetes Conferences | Protein Conferences | World Nutrition | Inc.| World Nutrition | World Nutrition Conferences | Nutrition - World Health Organization | Global Nutrition Report - World Health Organization | World Nutrition | Knowledge Policy Action | World Nutrition - Energetic Nutrition | AdvoCare International | Atkins Nutritionals Inc. | Alpharma Inc. | Balchem Corporation |
Hormel Foods Corp | Grieg Seafood ASA | | Maple Leaf Foods | Tassal Group Ltd | Vietnam Dairy Products | Scandi Standard | Food Microbiology Conferences | China Shengmu Organic Milk Ltd | WH Group Ltd | RCL Foods Ltd | NH Foods Ltd | New Hope Liuhe Co Ltd | China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd | Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co Ltd | Muyuan Foodstuff Co Ltd | Food Chemistry Conferences | Foodstuffs Group Co Ltd | San Miguel Food and Beverage Inc | Covance Solutions Made Real | Fleishman Hillard | Food Industry Asia | Food Technology Conferences | Marine Harvest ASA | Lerøy Seafood Group | Charoen Pokphand Foods | Marfrig Global Foods | Century Foods International | Chef Jay's Food Products | Clif Bar Inc. | Cornfields | Inc | Fitness Conferences | | DSM Nutritional Products | Pediatric Nutrition Conferences | DuPont |
Food and Nutrition Jobs:
Food Safety and Compliance Officer - Food Service Sector | Food Safety & Quality Manager | Food Safety Conferences | Head of Food Safety Corporate Safety Licensing & Emergency Planning | Training Consultant - Food Safety | Food Safety and Health Conferences | Food Safety & Quality Apprenticeship | Quality and Food Safety Audit Specialist | QA Food Safety | Quality & Food Safety Leader | Food Safety And Hygiene Staff
QA/Food Safety Superintendent | Food Safety Health Manager – CMP | Senior Manager I Food Safety Health – Compliance | Quality and Food Safety Manager | Food Safety Manager | Food Safety Specialist | Food and Drug Conferences | Food Safety Technician | Consumer Food Safety & QA | Food Safety & Quality Assurance Associate
Food & Beverage Service Agent | Environmental | Health & Safety Coordinator | Food Security Conferences | Health & Food Safety Advisor | Food Safety Advisor | Quality and Food Safety Audit Specialist | Food Safety and Labelling Advisor | Food Technologist - Healthy Drink Brands | Food Technical Manager | Compliance Manager - Food Safety Supply
Food and Nutrition Related Journals:
International Journal of Nutritional Science and Food Technology (IJNF); Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition; Journal of Nutrition; Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders; Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Science; International Journal of Nutritional Sciences ; Journal of Nutrition Dietetics; Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition; Advances in Food and Nutrition Research; Revista Chilena de Nut
Track 1:
Food Science & Technology
Track 2:
Nutraceuticals & Nutrition Supplements
Track 3:
Food and Nutrition
Track 4:
Food Safety
Track 5
Food Chemistry
Track 6:
Pediatric Nutrition
Track 7:
Genetically Modified Food
Track 8:
Clinical Nutrition
Track 9:
Food & Nutritional Disorders
Track 10:
Food and Obesity
Track 11
Food Biotechnology
Track 12
Sport & Nutrition
Track 13
Artificial Food Additives
Track 14
Public Health Nutrition
Track 15
Food Engineering and Waste Management
Track 16
Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease
Track 17
Diabetes Mellitus
Track 18
Nutrition and Cancer Research
Track 19
Dairy Science & Technology
Track 20
Food Nanotechnology