Conference Schedule
Day 1 full schedule
February 23, 2022 @ 10:00 - 15:00

Mallesh Kurakula
Research Scientist Biomedical Engineering department University of Memphis TN, USAUSA
Kidney and related diseases are common due to chronic condition and is a general complication of diabetes mellitus, coronary disease, and overweight. Latest trends and key advances in pharmaceutical and biomedical research enabled innovative technologies to lead many chances to study and understand various kidney and related diseases in many platforms, that can be translated to humans. The talk discusses the condition of the kidney as an organ in hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and monogenic forms of kidney disease, and kidney transplantation situations. The session will emphasize how new biomedical technologies, therapeutics, can help shape the study of kidney disease, mechanisms to cure, and even add few insights to discuss the policies concerning biomedical research and health care.
Chakras’ energy deficiency as one of the cause of gastroesophageal reflux and how can we treat without doing surgery?

Wei Ling Huang
AcupuncturistMedical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic
Introduction; Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is characterized by regurgitation of gastric content into esophagus. It is prevalence is about 20% of US population and it is caused by multiple mechanism according to Western medicine, leading to a disruption of the junction of the esophagogastric barrier. The symptoms manifestations can be heartburn and regurgitation, or some atypical symptoms such as chest pain, chronic cough or dental erosions. According to traditional Chinese medicine, gastro-esophageal reflux could be caused by imbalances in the Stomach and Liver energy or both. Purpose; the purpose of this study is to demonstrate that patients with gastro-esophageal have deficiencies in energy in chakras’ energy centers (mainly fifth chakra) and the corrections of this imbalances are very important to treat the cause of the cause of GERD ( using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and homeopathies medications to replenish the chakras energy centers according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications) without need to do surgical intervention. Methods; through two cases reports, both with diagnosis of GERD by gastro physicians using medications to reduce protons without any improvement. They started the treatment using Chinese dietary counseling (avoiding dairy products, raw food, coffee, tea, fried food, egg chocolate, honey, coconut and alcoholic beverages) , submitted to auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting twice a week and also, the physician performed radiesthesia procedure . Results: the result of the radiesthesia procedure were that all the chakras energy centers of all patients were in the lowest level of energy, mainly the fifth chakra, that is responsible for the digestive system. The treatment replenishing these chakras energy centers were the major importance in this treatment and both patients recovered from the GERD only doing clinical treatment without need to intake the medications or doing surgery. Conclusion; the conclusion of this study is that patients with GERD has chakras energy centers deficient in energy and the treatment rebalancing the internal energy and replenishing the chakras energy centers with highly diluted medications were important to recover completely the symptoms presented by the patients without the necessity of doing any surgical procedure.

Rahul Hajare
Post Doc Fellow ,ICMRIndian Council of Medical Research
After all, want to feel better and know most of the things that happen between them and wish to be aware of the secrets which are unknown, till-date. But the question is How? Firstly, really need to have a genuine approach towards making things fall into place. Think with an open-minded and act mature. Don't be impatient when it comes to knowing the hidden facts. Maybe she has a pool of secrets and just have to dive deep into it and explore. A warning is, don't be naive. If you want things to work for smoothly, partner should speak up on everything and present crystal clear facts. It is important to know his friend and buried facts about the frequency they share and if it's a friendship as it seems. Find out, and then decide whether are living it or leaving it. Play it cool No matter how much trust his talks and the things tells about his friendship, will never stop doubting when it is about her. The very step which is required is, get closer and get open to her. Meet often, and talk about anything and everything. Learn the art of reading between the lines but do take a pause and think twice before arriving at any conclusion. Take a deep breath, release breath and worries too. Make things go nice between and her and might get surprised either way. It will always help you. Respect the frequency and bonding There's nothing wrong with their friendship as far as it is harmful to relationship. If develop an understanding for their bonding and respect the frequency share then probably partner will end up loving even more. Having good and genuine friends around will help him to stay happy and feel blessed, it brings in strength. The day decide to stay a little calm and accept his genuine friendships, even if you don't like a few of them, cooperate and let things be nice shouldn't forget that it's his friends who became a special part of his life before arrived. If loses a friend because, he will not feel good about this and this will bring bitterness between and dear one. Remember, you are his girlfriend Focus on the very fact, he chose you over her. Isn't that enough to calm yourself and put your insecurities at peace? No matter what is their chemistry and how much he cares about her, being his close friend, He chose YOU! So smile, and move on. Understand that sometimes over thinking is your real enemy before anyone and anything else. Respect the boundaries As you do things to make your relationship bloom happily, so you can set a few DOs and DON'Ts for the same. Unapologetically, you can speak up to your partner to avoid making unnecessary compromises which can steal the charm of your relationship later. So, if there's something that bothers you and makes you uncomfortable, speak up for yourself and make sure you are heard. Remember, don't compromise with your happiness too.
Biochemical and histological effects of ethanolic extracts of fruits of Xylopia aethiopica, seeds and leaves of Piper guineense on liver and kidney function in male albino rats

Chinedu Imo
Assistant ProfessorFederal University Wukari
Background: This study examined the biochemical and histological effects of ethanolic extracts of fruits of Xylopia aethiopica and seeds and leaves of Piper guineense on liver and kidney function indices in male albino rats. The test animals (groups 2, 3 and 4) received 100 mg/kg each of the corresponding extract for 21 days, while group 1 served as normal control. The animals were later fasted overnight, sacrificed and blood collected through cardiac puncture for biochemical indices. Results: Result showed AST level decreased significantly (p<0.05) in rats of group 2 compared to the normal control; ALP decreased significantly (p<0.05) in animals of group 3; ALT increased significantly (p<0.05) in group 4. The concentrations of urea and potassium showed significant decrease (p<0.05) in animals of group 3. Creatinine increased significantly (p<0.05) in group 2. Concentrations of total protein, albumin, globulin, sodium and chlorides in the test animals did not show any significant alteration. WBC count increased significantly (p<0.05) in rats of group 3 and non-significantly (p>0.05) in groups 2 and 4. PCV increased significantly in rats of group 4 and non-significantly in groups 2 and 3. RBC and Hb levels increased non-significantly (p>0.05) in all the test groups compared to group 1. The histoarchitectural states of the liver and kidneys showed no apparent alteration by the different extracts. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the extracts have no apparent toxic effect on the liver and kidneys of the experimental rats, although fruits extract of Xylopia aethiopica showed possibility of exhibiting mild liver toxicity.

Wei Ling Huang
AcupuncturistMedical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic
Introduction; Thrombosis in abdominal vessels can cause a wide clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic to acute abdominal pain or leading to liver failure. In this study the author will follow oath from Hippocrates that said to consider other ancient medical tools prior to the knowledge we have nowadays. She will use traditional Chinese medicine´s reasoning to explain the abdominal vessels thrombosis in the energy point of view. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that patients that have abdominal vessels thrombosis have chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy and the correction of this energy deficiency is the major importance to treat the patient at the root of the problem and not just treating the symptoms. Methods; two cases reports. The first is a 36 years-old-man with history of epigastric pain when walking with no improvement with medications for the stomach. The second case report was a 58 years old man with history of morbid obesity that underwent to surgery to reduce the stomach. Both patient had thrombosis after this history, the first had portal vein thrombosis and the second had mesenteric vein thrombosis. Both patients were submitted to chakras’ energy centers measurements. The result of this measurement was that all were in the lowest level of energy, with exception of the seventh chakra, that was in normal level. Treatment consisted in Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishing the chakras’ energy centers using homeopathies medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine were done and both patients still in treatment nowadays using Wester medicine’ treatment (anti-coagulant medications) and also, using homeopathies medications to improve their energy. Conclusion: the conclusion of this study is that patients with thrombosis in abdominal vessels have chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy and the treatment of this condition is the major importance to treat the cause of the thrombosis and not just treating the symptoms.

Bhuneshwar Yadav
Ph.D. ScholarSri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research
Background: Diabetic Nephropathy (DN), a progressive kidney disease is the most common microvascular complication in diabetics and foremost cause of increased morbidity and mortality in diabetics [1]. For detecting DN in patients with type 2 diabetes aiming to delay its progression and improve outcome it is necessary to implement different strategies. Urinary excretion of Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) may be linked to disease severity in DN caused by renal tubular cell damage involved in reabsorption and catabolism of VDBP [2]. Study aimed to evaluate urinary VDBP as an early sensitive biomarker for diagnosing nephropathy in type 2 diabetic patients. Methodology: Hospital based cross-sectional analytical study carried out on 120 T2DM subjects and 60 healthy controls. T2DM patients were categorized into normoalbuminuric (<30mg/L), microalbuminuric (30-300 mg/L) and macroalbuminuric (>300 mg/L) group based on microalbumin value. Urinary VDBP estimation was carried out by using quantitative sandwich ELISA technique. IBM-SPSS version 20 was used for statistical analysis. Result: Mean urinary VDBP levels were significantly higher in diabetic patients than in control. In addition, urinary VDBP levels were observed to be significantly elevated in diabetic subgroups i.e. normo, micro and macroalbuminuric group (955.2±325.7, 1202.2±430.8 and 1550.5±309.2 µg/mL) when compared to control subjects (80.7±43.38 µg/mL). Urinary VDBP showed significant positive correlation with cystatin C (r=0.746) and ACR (r=0.525) while a negative correlation with eGFR (r=-0.77) and vitamin D (r=-0.358). ROC analysis of uVDBP showed an area under curve of 0.966, sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 80% at a cut-off point of 1058 µg/mL. |
Conclusion: Findings showed elevated uVDBP levels in early stages of nephropathy in T2DM patients and correlated significantly with severity (degree of albuminuria) of DN. Thus uVDBP could be considered as an early non-invasive biomarker for detection of DN and may help in prevention of end stage renal disease delaying its progression.

Amin Gohary
ProfessorBurjeel Hopital
Abu Dhabi,UAE
We are discussing common surgical disorders of the gastrointestinal system that warrant surgical intervention. Inguinal hernia repair is the commonest procedure performed in Preterm and Infants. The premature infants have higher chances of incarceration and complications and are recommended for early surgery. Etiology is mainly attributed to failure of the Process vaginalis to close . These children have upto 30 % chances of having contra lateral inguinal hernias. Controversies exist for examination of the contralateral side for hernia in children less than 1 year of age due to higher incidence of contra lateral patent process vaginalis. Different modalities have been used to diagnose coexisting patent processes vaginalis. Like exploration, U/S Herniogram and laparoscopy.
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Vomiting in children is common and mostly related to medical condition. However there are surgical conditions associated with vomiting which needs to be acknowledge and diagnosed early. Bilious vomiting is an ominous symptom and needs to be taken seriously. Any baby who vomits bile should be considered as having an underlying intestinal obstruction until proved otherwise.
More recently we have encountered a subgroup pf patients that have genuine intussusception on radiological examination but not causing complete bowel obstruction and still associated with had srool in the large bowel and still needs simple fleet enema to cure.
We hope by highlighting this new phenomenon to avoid unnecessary radiological investigation and unnecessary abdominal
Chemo-exfoliation: A review of step-by-step algorithmic treatment protocol—look out for Liver toxicity in deep peel”

Ling Sien Ngan
Founder, Chairman & Consultant in Aesthetic SurgeryDDL Group
Statement of the Problem: The use of wide array of chemical peel agents for rejuvenation of wrinkle, pigmentary disorder, acneiform eruption and pre-malignant epidermal neoplasm had been for long. Due to lot of complications, downtime, variable healing rate after different chemical peeling, it is necessary to have a well defined standard practice protocol for a consistently safe and predictable result. It is thus necessary to understand fully the step-by-step guide of different categories of peel agents, to avoid confusion, for a safe and effective practice. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: Systematic review studies is used to search for “various ingredients names”, including all commercially available prescription based products. through databases of Cochrane Library, Medline, PubMed, SCOPUS and Google Scholar. The author also utilising a commonly used qualitative analysis by other than reviewing literature, also used clinical history taking, interview & observation over social event, and forming focus group to gather data. Using the security framework & lenses of analysis of the social science/ behaviour to understand what are the patient inclination, social behaviour and preferences, its performance, relevance, functionality & efficiency, if it can be optimised for as many a chemical peel agents to treat four conditions stated in conclusion section. Finding: Chemical peel is the 3rd most commonly performed noninvasive cosmetic procedure in the USA with 1.3 million done in 2016. There has been a paradigm shift with laser largely supplanting more risky deep peel. Despite this the superficial peel has proliferated in popularity & product diversity. When used for appropriate indication with proper technique, nearly all peeling agents have demonstrated excellent clinical efficacy. And, they remain an indispensable cost-effective tool in the dermatologist’s aesthetic toolbox. Conclusion & Significance: Available literatures reveal 1) chemical peels are the 3rd most commonly performed noninvasive cosmetic procedure in US, > 1.8 M in 2016. 2) Indications for treatment are 4 broad categories: photo- & chronoaging; acneiform eruptions; dyspigmentation; and premalignant epidermal neoplasia, 3) peeling agent selection is determined by treatment indication, desired depth of ablation, pertinent examination findings, Fitzpatrick skin-type, and any other relevant dermatological history, 4) for the right indication with proper technique, all peel solutions & ablation depth have demonstrated excellent success in improving skin tone & texture, and cost effective versus any invasive procedures. 5) hence, peels should remain an indispensable tools in Dr’s aesthetic toolbox. Recommendation: Available evidence show the superficial peel is great for both home-care & institutional treatment. Medium peel is useful for clinic use. Deep peel for deeply sited issue but this role has been taken over by laser due to more predictable treatment result with less risk.

Amin Gohary
ProfessorBurjeel Hopital
Abu Dhabi,UAE
Intussusception is a common condition that present with abdominal colic and is usually diagnosed by ultrasonography with appearance of (Target Sign).
Over the last 35 years we have noticed a new phenomenon that mimic intussusception both clinically and radiologically but is not cause by bowel intussusception but by impacted stool at he terminal ileum.
Whereas intussusceptions an emergency that require urgent attention to reduce either by air, saline or Barium and my need urgent exploration , Gohary’s phenomenon if recognized can be treated by simple fleet enema.
We have encountered 56 cases between 1983 and 2018 , their age varied from 9 months and 7 years
They have the common features of
- Severe abdominal colic that is not responding to analgesic or antispasmodics
- US feature suggestive of ileo-colic intussusception
- No red current jelly stool .intussusception
- Good response to fleet enemas
More recently we have encountered a subgroup pf patients that have genuine intussusception on radiological examination but not causing complete bowel obstruction and still associated with had srool in the large bowel and still needs simple fleet enema to cure.
We hope by highlighting this new phenomenon to avoid unnecessary radiological investigation and unnecessary abdominal exploration.
Direct evidence of viral infection and mitochondrial alterations in the brain of fetuses at high risk for schizophrenia

Segundo Mesa Castillo
SpecialistPsychiatric Hospital of Havana
There is increasing evidences that favor the prenatal beginning of schizophrenia. These evidences point toward intra-uterine environmental factors that act specifically during the second pregnancy trimester producing a direct damage of the brain of the fetus. The current available technology doesn't allow observing what is happening at cellular level since the human brain is not exposed to a direct analysis in that stage of the life in subjects at high risk of developing schizophrenia. Methods. In 1977 we began a direct electron microscopic research of the brain of fetuses at high risk from schizophrenic mothers in order to finding differences at cellular level in relation to controls. Results. In these studies we have observed within the nuclei of neurons the presence of complete and incomplete viral particles that reacted in positive form with antibodies to herpes simplex hominis type I [HSV1] virus, and mitochondria alterations. Conclusion. The importance of these findings can have practical applications in the prevention of the illness keeping in mind its direct relation to the aetiology and physiopathology of schizophrenia. A study of amniotic fluid cells in women at risk of having a schizophrenic offspring is considered. Of being observed the same alterations that those observed previously in the cells of the brain of the studied foetuses, it would intend to these women in risk of having a schizophrenia descendant, previous information of the results, the voluntary medical interruption of the pregnancy or an early anti HSV1 viral treatment as preventive measure of the later development of the illness.