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The 7th World Congress on Plant Genomics and Plant Science will be held April 29-30, 2025, incorporating brief keynote introductions, Oral talks, Workshops Poster introductions, and Exhibitions. The gathering topic is "The New Horizons of Challenges and Innovations in Plant Science". Plant Genomics Conference is the chief occasion that unites an interesting and universal blend of specialists, analysts, and leaders from the scholarly community and industries over the globe to trade their insight, mastery, and research advancements to assemble a world-class plant genomics meeting. Plant Science Conference centers around viewpoints, such as reproducing, atomic marker advancement, crop improvement, malady opposition, development studies, and pathology, to understand devices to defeat obstruction and empower fruitful information examination and the executives. Introductions concentrate specifically on plant genomics and yield and ranger service research from wheat, grain, maize, and rice to potato, tomato, Arabidopsis, biofuels, and natural products.
Target Audience:
- Plant and Agriculture Associations and Societies
- Soil Science and Agricultural Students, Scientists
- Agricultural Universities Faculty and Students
- Seed Science and Technology Breeders and Scientists
- Soil Science Researchers
- Soil Science Faculty
- Business Entrepreneurs
- Training Institutes Faculties
- Seed Science and Technology Breeders and Scientists
- Soil science and soil-plant Nutrition Faculties
- Researchers of Forest Science
- Researchers of R&D Laboratories
Track 1: Plant Genome Science
Plant Genomics is the field of plant science focused on understanding the arrangement, structure, and guideline of the genome. With the appearance of minimal effort high-throughput sequencing, examinations of the genome have clothed to be substantially more advanced as recently. It is currently conceivable to think about different genomes inside animal categories (container genomes) just as crosswise over species.
Plant Genomics Conference | Agricultural Science Meetings | Plant Genome Assembly | Plant Genome Sequencing | Plant Genomics Events | Plant Genomics Seminar | Plant Genomics Congress | Plant Genetics Conference | Genetics Market Development | Plant Pathology Conference | Plant Breeding Workshops
Track 2: Agricultural Science
Agricultural science is an expansive multidisciplinary field of science that envelops the pieces of precise, characteristic, financial and sociologies that are utilized in the training and comprehension of agribusiness. Plant Genomics urges you to grandstand your innovative work on creation strategies (e.g., water system the board, suggested nitrogen inputs), Improving horticultural efficiency as far as amount and quality (e.g., choice of dry spell safe harvests and creatures, advancement of new pesticides, yield-detecting advances, reproduction models of yield development, in-vitro cell culture procedures), Minimizing the impacts of nuisances (weeds, creepy crawlies, pathogens, nematodes) on yield or creature generation frameworks.
Plant Genomics Conference | Agricultural Science Meetings | Plant Genome Assembly | Plant Genome Sequencing | Plant Genomics Events | Plant Genomics Seminar | Plant Genomics Congress | Plant Genetics Conference | Genetics Market Development | Plant Pathology Conference | Plant Breeding Workshops
Track 3: Plant Proteomics and Plant Science
Proteomics is the huge scale useful examination of proteins removed from unblemished creatures, tissues, singular cells, or cell compartments, at characterized timepoints during improvement or under explicit conditions. Plant Proteomics features the fast advancement in this field in plants, with an accentuation on late work in model plant species, subcellular organelles, and explicit parts of the vegetation cycle, for example, flagging, propagation and stress physiology. What's more, Plant Science Congress likewise incorporate the investigation of essential ideas and connected parts of test plant science, genomics, proteomics, plant natural chemistry, cell science, transformative science, utilitarian plant rearing, and frameworks science. The ebb and flow patterns and future prospects of plant science research envelop the advancement of ailment safe plants through plant biotechnological developments can be learned and shared here at our Plant Genomics Conference.
Plant Genomics Congress | Plant Science Congress | Plant Proteomics Meetings | Plant Science Meetings | Plant Genomics Workshops | Plant Genomics Events | Plant Genomics & Plant Science Conferences | Proteomics Conferences
Track 4: Soil Science: Research and Advances
Advances in Soil Science gives a congress to driving researchers to dissect and outline the accessible logical data regarding a matter, surveying its significance and distinguishing extra research needs. Soil Science Meeting examines the most recent research advancements and significant improvements in this field and exhibits clear and exact audits in every aspect of soil science for everybody intrigued by this fundamental asset.
Soil Science Conferences | Plant Science Congress | Plant Proteomics Meetings | Plant Science Meetings | Plant Genomics Workshops | Plant Genomics Events | Plant Genomics & Plant Science Conferences
Track 5: Plant Nutritional Genomics
Nutritional genomics is another promising science zone which can comprehensively be characterized as the use of high throughput genomics (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics/metabonomics) and useful genomic advancements in the investigation of wholesome sciences and sustenance innovation. It gives a hereditary comprehension of how to consume fewer calories, supplements or other nourishment parts influence the harmony between wellbeing and infection by modifying the articulation or potentially structure of a person's hereditary cosmetics.
Nutrigenomics Congress | Plant Science Congress | Plant Genomics Meetings | Plant Science Meetings | Plant Genomics Workshops | Plant Nutritional Genomics Events | Plant Genomics & Plant Science Conferences | Nutrition Conferences
Track 6: Plant Biotechnology
Plant Biotechnology may be a lot of systems accustomed to adjust plants for explicit needs or openings. Plant Biotechnology applies mechanical strategies to natural life forms. Plant biotechnology will be characterized because of the presentation of attractive attributes into plants through hereditary adjustment.
Plant Biotechnology Congress | Plant Science Congress | Plant Genomics Meetings | Plant Science Meetings | Plant Genomics Workshops | Plant Genomics Events | Plant Genomics & Plant Science Conferences | Technology Conferences
Track 7: Plant Genetics and Genomics Market
There are various types of innate characteristics when in doubt. The possibility of genetic characteristics is the part of science that courses of action with heredity, especially the frameworks of inborn transmission and the assortment of gained qualities among near or related living things. Genomics is the examination of the inherited material or genomes of a living thing. Specialists figure the worldwide Genomics market will create at a CAGR of 11.21% over the period 2013-2018. According to the report, the most basic driver of the market is an extension in the enthusiasm for consumables.
Genomics Congress | Plant Science Congress | Plant Genetics Meetings | Plant Science Meetings | Global Genomics Market | Plant Genomics Events | Plant Genomics & Plant Science Conferences | Plant Genomics Conferences
Track 8: Soil Erosion and Soil Management
Soil disintegration is a normally happening procedure that influences all landforms Water Erosion and Surface Water Runoff. One of the primary drivers of soil disintegration is water disintegration, which is the loss of topsoil because of water. Soil the executives is significant, both straightforwardly and in a roundabout way for yield profitability and ecological manageability. Soil Science Conference welcoming reasonable chats on soil disintegration and soil the executives.
Soil Management Conferences | Plant Science Congress | Plant Proteomics Meetings | Plant Science Meetings | Plant Genomics Workshops | Plant Genomics Events | Plant Genomics & Plant Science Conferences
Track 9: Environmental Soil Chemistry and Biotechnology
Ecological Soil Chemistry delineates essential standards of soil science for natural responses among soils and other regular materials and overwhelming metals, pesticides, mechanical contaminants, corrosive downpours, and salts. Soil Science Meeting inviting judicious chats on soil science and Biotechnology Soil biotechnology approach for wastewater treatment and reusing are completed thinking about its specialized, natural and monetary angles.
Soil Chemistry Conferences | Plant Biotechnology Congress | Plant Science Congress | Plant Genomics Meetings | Plant Science Meetings | Plant Genomics Workshops | Plant Genomics Events | Plant Genomics & Plant Science Conferences | Technology Conferences
Track 10: Crop Improvement and Plant Virology
Crop improvement alludes to the hereditary adjustment of plants to fulfil human needs. In ancient times, human progenitors in different pieces of the world brought into development a couple of hundred animal categories from the many thousands accessible. Through a long history of experimentation, a generally few plant-animal categories have turned into the pillar of agribusiness and in this manner the world's sustenance supply. Plant infections are widespread and financially significant plant pathogens. Plant infections comprise a nucleoprotein that increases just in the living cells of a host. The nearness of infections in host cells frequently results in disease,400 or more infections are known to assault plants.
Plant Virology Congress | Crop Science Congress | Plant Genomics Meetings | Plant Science Meetings | Plant Genomics Workshops | Plant Genomics Events | Plant Genomics & Plant Science Conferences | Plant Genomics Conferences
Track 11: Plant Pathology
Plant pathology is the science relating to diseases of plants, either caused by some micro-organism (virus, bacteria, fungus etc.) or due to prevailing environmental stresses. A Plant pathologist is a specialist in dealing with plant diseases, mechanisms related to diseases, and interaction between causative organisms and the plant. Plant pathology studies help to identify various diseases and possible preventions and cures for them.
Plant Pathology Congress | Plant Science Congress | Plant Genomics Meetings | Plant Science Meetings | Plant Genomics Workshops | Plant Genomics Events | Plant Genomics & Plant Science Conferences | Technology Conferences
Track 12: Plant Breeding
Plant reproduction is the exploration of augmenting constructive hereditary qualities in plants that individuals develop. It comprises diagnostic systems that enable specialists to make and select plants that are reliably exceptional in wanted characteristics. The prime goal in plant replicating is to expand the transmissible foundation of professional edit classes to obey fluctuating requirements on yield and excellence. Dimensions accept a significant portion in current day plant replicating. A traditional quantitative hereditary model composes the phenotype because of hereditary, natural, and genotype by condition association impacts. In the genomic period, this recognized model consumption remained increased and summed up. Straight merged copies are supposed an imperative part in traditional quantitative hereditary qualities and still do as such in the present day.
Track 13: Horticulture Science
Horticulture Sciences is the branch of agriculture that deals with the art, science, technology, and business of vegetable garden plant growing. Horticulture is the science and art of producing, improving, marketing, and using fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants. It differs from botany and other plant sciences in that horticulture incorporate both science and aesthetics.
Track 14: Plant Signalling and Chemical Signalling
Plant signalling is the capacity of plants to identify and respond to the earth to change their morphology, physiology, and phenotype in like manner. Different subdivisions like plant physiology, nature, and atomic science are used to examine the capacities of the plant. Plants respond to chemicals, gravity, light, dampness, contaminations, temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide focuses, parasite pervasion, malady, physical disturbance, sound, and touch.
Many chemicals are analytics for plant growth and development and in integrating various stress signals and controlling downstream stress responses by modulating gene expression machinery and regulating various pumps and biochemical reactions. Plant hormones are also responsible for chemical signalling in plants. The drought signalling in plants is due to Abscisic acid during the time when there is stress on water availability.
Track 15: Bioinformatics and Data Analysis of Plants
The plant co-articulation is an alternative web-based catalog used for plant superiority investigation A common co-communicated class can generate frequent activities of co-articulation material that hold numerous potentials of enthusiasm for improvement investigation. Likewise, co-communicated qualities can be distinguished and inventoried as far as near genomics by utilizing the 'Co-articulation quality analyze' highlight. This examination will help translate exploratory information and decide if there is a typical term to those qualities.
Track 16: Plant Hormones
Plant hormones are the organic constituents that regulate plant growth and development and it is also known as phytohormones. It harvests a variety of hormones such as auxins, gibberellins (GA), Cytokinins (CK), Abscisic acid (ABA), salicylic acid (SA), Ethylene (ET), brassinosteroids (BR), jasmonates (JA) and peptides. These hormones help the plant to tolerate environmental stresses. It plays an essential role in plant development, seed germination and senescence. These hormones play a significant role in cell elongation, cell division, and cell differentiation. The human-made hormones are plant growth regulators (PGR). These hormones in the endogenic regulation as biosynthesis, Redistribution, conjugation and transport.
Track 17: Medicinal Plant Sciences
Medicinal plants are used in traditional medicine. The plant produces phytochemicals that have pharmacological effects with severe efficacy and safety. The several compounds of phytochemicals are alkaloids, glycosides, polyphenols, and terpenes. These medicinal plants are used as alternative medicine and dietary supplements. Herbal medicine is derived from plant extracts thus used for various ailments. Herbal medicine is also known as phytomedicine or phytotherapy. Herbal products and dietary supplements are used in phytomedicine. Thus, Medicinal plants are used as nutraceuticals, food supplements, traditional medicines, and pharmaceutical intermediates for synthetic drugs.
Track 18: Human Nutrition and Other Allied Sciences
The study of human nutrition is interdisciplinary in character, involving not only physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology but also fields similar to psychology and anthropology, which explore the influence of stations, beliefs, preferences, and cultural traditions on food choices. Human nutrition further touches on economics and political knowledge as the world community recognizes and responds to the suffering and death caused by malnutrition. The ultimate thing of nutritive science is to promote optimal health and reduce the threat of chronic disorders suchlike as cardiovascular disorder and cancer as well as to help classic nutritive insufficiency conditions similar to kwashiorkor and pellagra.
This is the investigation of the structure, capacity, development, and insurance of plants. Plant science is partitioned into three noteworthy classes; they are agronomy, cultivation and ranger service. Without plants, we and every single other creature would not exist. We basically rely upon plants for sustenance. They likewise have sway on the economy of a country. Contrasted with several plants on earth, we develop not many. Plant science has lively extension in leading exploration in rearing, physiology, creation, yield and the executives of harvest. Plant science has a wide scope of study field like plant morphology, plant pathology, atomic science, plant hereditary qualities, photochemistry and a lot progressively consequent fields. Atomic science is apparently a standout amongst the most significant fields in science. Plant biotechnology is driving the route in applications and will keep on carrying developments into the field. The field of plant science is making momentous strides forward in the utilization of genomics innovations to comprehend the systems controlling numerous parts of improvement, reactions to the earth, hormone flagging, genome advancement, and epigenetics. It appears that energizing occasions lie ahead for plant biotechnology that may prompt significant applications in horticulture and other development to help feed the developing worldwide populace. Plant Science was extended during the 1970s as it approached new land and jobless work. Somewhere in the range of 1962 and 1983, the rural division developed by 4.1% every year all things considered and in 1980 it utilized over 70% of the working populace. However, the state apparent improvements in the rural part as vital for industrialization and fares were exhausted so as to keep local costs low and raise income for state interest in different zones of the economy.
Top plant Science & Genomics Universities:
Europe Plant Science & Genomics Universities:
Wageningen University and Research Center | Harvard University | Duke University | Ghent University | University of Florida | Plant ScienceConferences |University of Cambridge | Michigan State University| University of Copenhagen | SwedishUniversity of Agricultural Sciences | University of Minnesota--Twin Cities | Madison| Plant Genomics Conferences |University of British Columbia | University of Sao Paulo | University of California--San Diego | Iowa State University| University of Arizona |University of Montpellier| Yale University | Plant Biology Conferences | Oregon State University | Stanford University| North Carolina State University -Raleigh |University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign| University of California—Davis | Cornell University | University of Washington | Utrecht University | University of Helsinki | University of Munich| Plant Science Meetings | Aarhus University | University of Freiburg
USA Plant Science & Genomics Universities:
Princeton University | University of Aix-Marseille| University of Bristol | Plant Biology Conferences |University of Nottingham | Lund University | Plant Science Meetings | Technical University of Denmark | Charles University in Prague | Plant Science Meetings |University of Bonn | University of Oslo | Virginia Tech | State University of New Jersey--New Brunswick | Plant Genomics Events | University of Paris-Sud | University of Groningen | University of Glasgow | University of Pennsylvania | University of Bern | University of St. Andrews| University of East Anglia| Plant Science Conference 2019 | University of Padua | University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill | University of Liverpool | Plant Science Conference USA | University of Nebraska—Lincoln| University of Hamburg| University of Tartu | Plant Science Symposium | University of Lisbon| University of Manchester | University of Texas—Austin | Kansas State University | University of Missouri | Plant Science Conferences | University of Sheffield | University of Aberdeen | University of Leeds | Plant Genomics Conferences
Africa Plant Science & Genomics Universities:
University of Massachusetts Amherst|Bangor University| Chiang Mai University| Estonian University of Life Sciences | Plant GenomicsEvents | Hebrew University of Jerusalem| Hokkaido University | Plant Science Conference 2019 | James Cook University | Korea University| Nagoya University | Nanjing Agricultural University | Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University | Rutgers University-New Brunswick | Plant Science Conference Europe | Seoul National University | Stellenbosch University | Plant Science Conference USA | Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology | Plant Science Symposium | Zhejiang University| Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Plant Science Conferences | Agricultural University | Kyushu University | Laval University
Plant Science & Genomics Companies:
Europe Plant Science & Genomics Companies:
Singlera Genomics | S2 GenomicsEpinomics | Quanta pore | Synthomics |Cellecta | Bio nexus | Fabric Genomics | 10X Genomics | Genapsys Agena Bioscience | CypherGenomics | Eton Bioscience | Helix | Molecular Assemblies | Phalanx Biotech | Retrogene | iGenomX | Blueprint Genetics | Invitae | NGX Bio | Sci Genome | Celemics | U Biome | DovetailGenomics | Paragon Genomics | Gene Works | Fusion Genomics | Ambry Genetics | One Lambda | Biopsied Technologies | Predictive Biology | Sure Genomics | Wafer Gen Biosystems | Illumina | Neo Genomics | Prove Biosciences
USA Plant Science & Genomics Companies:
ZS Genetics | Persomics | Kapa Biosystems | Aline Biosciences | SeqLL | BRT Laboratories | Key Gene | Sequenom | Precision Biosciences | Real Time Genomics | GenScript | Empire Genomics | GenePeeks | Sema4 Genomics | SolveBio | DNA Diagnostics Center | Assurex Health | Ranomics | Floragenex | Diffinity Genomics | HeartGenetics | Nabsys | Igen Biotech | Saphetor | Vectalys | Sciomics | Cento gene | Omixon | Precision Biomarker Resources | Xcelris Genomics | Med Genome |Mapmygenome | ERS Genomics | Genomics Medicine Ireland | Dante Labs | Takara Bio | Enzymatic | Seqwell | Raindance Technologies | ORIG3N | Claritas Genomics | Geometry | GenoSpace | GnuBIO | ReadCoor
Middle East Plant Science & Genomics Companies:
Lineagen | Taueret | Blue Heron Biotech | Iverson Genetics | Stratos Genomics | Lucigen | RPRD Diagnostics | AccuGenomics Inc | AgBiome Inc | Almac Diagnostics LLC | ArrayXpress Inc | AsystBio Laboratories LLC | Attagene Inc | BASF Corp | Bayer | BD Technologies | BioDeptronix LLC | BioGenomics LLC | biomonitor Labs | BioTrackers Inc | Cell Microsystems Inc | Celldom Inc |Celplor LLC | Charlotte Research Institute | Cotton Incorporated | Covance Inc | David H. Murdock Research Institute | Duke Center for Genomic and Computational Biology | Element Genomics Inc | EntoGenetics Inc |EpiCypher Inc | Eton Bioscience Inc | Foundation Medicine Inc | GEM Tox Consultants & Labs Inc | General Biosystems Inc | General Mills Agricultural Research | Genetron Health Technologies Inc | GENEWIZ Inc | Genoverde Biosciences Inc | Healthspan Diagnostics LLC | Icagen Inc | IngateyGen LLC | Inivata Inc |Innatrix Inc | Integrated Laboratory Systems Inc | InTox Biotech
Asia Plant Science & Genomics Companies:
Locus Biosciences Inc | Max Genomics LLC | MDxHealth Inc |MultiGEN Diagnostics LLC | NanoMedica LLC | NCSU Technology Incubator | Nutrition Research Institute - UNC-CH | Ocis Biotechnology Inc | Omicsoft Corp | Pastoor Science Communications LLC | Personalized Medicine Partners LLC | Phytonix Corp |Precision Biosciences Inc | Premex Innovation Labs | Q² Solutions | Renaissance Computing Institute | Ribometrix Inc | RiboWiz Scientific Inc | SciOme LLC | ScitoVation LLC | Select ImmunoGenomics Inc | SenGenix Inc | Sentinel Biomedical Inc | Syngenta Crop Protection LLC | TIRF Labs | TransViragen Inc | Novogene | Congenica | Laboratory Corporation of America | Zeptosens | Zengen | Zealand Pharma | Xcellsyz |Xcelris | Vita Genomics |Virinova | Valentis | Unigene | ThinkGen| Tranzyme |TaKaRa Zhuzo | Rosetta Genomics | Ribomed | Research Genetics | Renovis | Prolexis | Primal | Plexxikon
Plant Science & Genomics Jobs:
Plant Genomics jobs in Europe:
Product Developer - Research & Development | Food Solutions Customer Development | Research & Development Internship | Lead Breeding Program Review | Research Technician | Research Geneticist (Postdoctoral Fellow) |Assistant Project Scientist/Coaker lab |AgCenter Assistant/Associate Professor | Bioinformatics/Molecular Biologist |Research Geneticist (Research Associate) | Laboratory Technician, Niyogi Lab | Research Geneticist Plants (Postdoctoral Research Associate) | Assistant Research Scientist | Student Trainee (Office Automation) | Assistant Professor, Bioinformatics | Research Technician | Assistant Professor | Research Scientist, Molecular Biology | Research Scientist | Assistant/Associate Professor in Plant Breeding and Genetics |Laboratory Technician | Staff Scientist
Plant Science & Genomics Jobs in USA:
Graduate Research Assistantship
AgCenter Research Associate | Research Associate-Fixed Term | Title Research Associate | Associate Breeder - Corn Silage Research| Post Doc Research Scholar | Graduate Research Assistantship | Production Specialist - Polyethylene Slurry Technology | Research Associate, Applied Breeding Technologies and Genomics | Breeding Program Management Lead/Specialist | Food Technologist/Engineer | Production Worker C_5401 | Title Conversion Manager/Breeder | Warehouse Operator--Dannon West Jordan | Research Scientist of Plant Pathology | General Mechanic Job |Senior Food Scientist (Snacks) | Field Office Administrator III | Research Intern - Seed Science (Johnston, IA) | Field Research Intern (Champaign, IL)| Assistant Traits Project Lead - Biotic Stress | Research Molecular Biologist (Research Associate)
Plant Science & Genomics Jobs in Asia:
Patent Scientist | Field Research Co-Op - 6 Month (West Memphis, AR) | Sr. Manager/Director Environmental, Health & Safety | Postdoctoral Fellow | Director of Crop Innovation | Conservation Research Assistant/Coordinator | Statistical Scientist | Postdoctoral Scholar Quantitative Genetics and Genomics Department of Plant | Plant Production Technician | Biologist/Computer Scientist (Bioinformatician) | Assistant/Associate Professor in Grape Disease Ecology and Epidemiology | Plant Operations Manager | Safety Supervisor | Soil and Hydro Technical Specialist | Research Geneticist (Postdoctoral Fellow) | Plant Breeding Director | Assistant Professor of Plant Secondary Metabolites and Human Health | Sales Agronomist | Field Research Co-Op (Brookings, SD) | Seed Breeder / Agronomist |Global Germplasm IP Operations Specialist | Plant Maintenance Supervisor-Night Shift | Post-Doct Research Assoc, Plant Sciences
Plant Science & Genomics Journals:
Journal of Health Policy and Outcomes Research | International Journal of Plant Genomics | Frontiers Plant Genetics and Genomics | Journal of Plant Genomics | Bio info Publications | Agribiotech Journals | Elsevier | International Journal of Genomics | SCI Journal of plant Genomics | Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research | International Journal of Genomics and Data Mining |Journal of Informatics and Proteomics | Journal of Functional and Integrative Genomics
Plant Science & Genomics Products:
Storage | DNA Markers | Magnetic Separation Devices | Nucleic Acid Purification Kits | Ion Torrent| Lyophilization and Tissue Grinding | Customized NGS library construction| Qiagen BioSprint 96 high-throughput DNA/RNA extraction system | Eppendorf AF2200 Plate Reader | Functional Genomics Screening Workflow | Electrostatic Spraying Systems | Automation Tips | Genomics Sample Prep Solutions | Microcentrifuge Tubes | Molecular Biology Equipment | PCR Consumables | Pipet Tips | Sealing Solutions
Track 1
Plant Genome Science
Track 2
Agricultural Science
Track 3
Plant Proteomics and Plant Science
Track 4
Soil Science: Research and Advances
Track 5
Plant Nutritional Genomics
Track 6
Plant Biotechnology
Track 7
Plant Genetics and Genomics Market
Track 8
Soil Erosion and Soil Management
Track 9
Environmental Soil Chemistry and Biotechnology
Track 10
Crop Improvement and Plant Virology
Track 11
Plant Pathology
Track 12
Plant Breeding
Track 13
Horticulture Science
Track 14
Plant Signalling and Chemical Signalling
Track 15
Bioinformatics and Data Analysis of Plants
Track 16
Human Nutrition and Other Allied Sciences
Track 16
Plant Hormones
Track 17
Medicinal Plant Sciences
Track 18
Human Nutrition and Other Allied Sciences